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|"Like I said, I’ll take care of it tomorrow..."
|"Tomorrow is no good! We have a meeting first thing<br>in the morning on Monday, so you need to get it checked with me today."
|"Let’s see... You’ll be sitting here, Youko-san. You can go in a bit further, Takayanagi-sensei."
|「あれ? 浜田さん明日は…」
|"Huh? Hamada-san, won’t you be available tomorrow...?"
|"I don’t think this is the most pleasant way to get seated."
|"Let me take a break every once in a while. It’s our monthly meeting."
|There’s only 30 minutes before the concert.
|"Um, I too have important business tonight..."
|The VIP seats were almost completely empty compared<br>to the regular ones.
|"Whaat? You have a lot of guts saying that to your superior when he’s in so much trouble.”
|”That’s because you aren’t exactly in good shape.<br>Be good and let us guys escort you.”
|"But today alone is..."
|”How wonderful, looks like you’ve got two dashing gentlemen tending to you from both sides… Of course, I’m not at all happy about having to be compared to someone so much younger than me.”
|As expected, Youko-san didn’t have kind words to say about being dragged by the underarm to her seat, almost like a sick person.
|"...I understand. I'll return to the editing department.”
|...Not to say that she isn’t sick.
|”I’m sorry for making you do this despite your busy schedule, Doctor.”
|"If I’m to finish it all, it’ll take until about<br>2 AM, is that alright?"
|”You’re not making him do anything. He’s an old senile doctor who retired ages ago.”
|"H-Hey, Kitahara… Sorry, forget I said anything.<br>You can go home for today."
|”Setting your abusive language aside, which clearly only exists to hide your embarrassment,<br><br>I fully understand why you’d go this far to see your daughter’s shining moment.”
|「え? だって編集会議………ぁ」
|"Eh? But the editors’ meeting… ah."
|”...I do feel that you went a bit safe though.”
|"Ah, well… I’ll show up early on Monday and do my check, then. Don’t worry about it and go home for today."
|”Why do you always have to interpret things in a way that suits you? This is precisely the reason I cannot stand old men past their sixties. You can’t even get it up, yet your mind is as dirty as always.”
|”Hamada-san, I’m grateful that you’re being so thoughtful, but if you put it so bluntly…”
|”...Don’t get so worked up about it. I’ll throw you out before the concert starts if you get too rowdy.”
|”No, I just got in over my head. You’re already doing three people’s worth of work as it is.”
|The intensity of their verbal battle didn’t suggest that she had gone a bit safe at all, or that he couldn’t get it up anymore.
|”I’d gladly do it anytime, but just not today…<br>I’m sorry.”
|”Either way, be good today. If I see even a hint of your health failing, I’ll force you down on my bed.”
|”I got it. I won’t force the issue anymore… I’d rather not have you get sent off to America anyway.”
|”...Like I’d let you do that. Besides, if my health were to fail, it’d be your job to take care of it on the spot.”
|”It’s okay, I have no intention of going abroad right now. Besides…”
|”...Careful not to ask too much. Remember that others might be looking.”
|”I’m probably more liable to die under her care than here.”
|Yet, behind Youko-san’s attitude lie feelings that only I could see. There was a disconnect between them.
|”Hahaha, no doubt about it. She might be good at watching over people, but the work she hands out<br>isn’t what I’d call normal.”
|After all, Takayanagi-sensei doesn’t know.
|”Well then, I’m sorry, but I should be going…<br>I’ll send you an email by tomorrow.”
|That this could very well be the last time Youko-san could hear her daughter perform live.
|”Yeah, good work today. Have a nice weekend.”
|I look around and see that the seats are about 70% full.
|Even though I’ve managed to earn myself some time off, there’s still a tiny feeling of loneliness remaining within me.
|Whether this is a good amount or not is impossible to judge for someone who doesn't normally attend piano concerts...
|It’s like a scar… The events of back then still impose a considerable effect on my daily life, even<br>a year later.
|But considering all the noise that was made when the tickets were still on sale, I doubt the beginning of the concert will be a quiet one.
|I don’t want to think about it that much, but perhaps...
|In my second year as a working adult, during winter.<br>I finally stopped going to the hospital, in the second month.
|This is the result of the mediocre reception that the last concert got...
|One year ago, I stopped having to rely on medicine anymore to treat my “mental damage as a result of overworking,”<br>as the doctors decided to interpret my symptoms as.
|「え? あ、はい…」
|But even then, for half a year, certain things would cause my nerves to stop listening to me, which caused those around me considerable trouble.
|”Eh? Ah, yes…?”
|Traces of that happening are still present at work,<br>as Hamada-san and the others have stopped giving difficult jobs like before,<br>instead only giving me assignments a new employee would get.
|Perhaps she had enough of me looking around the theater restlessly, thinking about things I shouldn’t.
|...It actually feels quite unfulfilling, but even this is something I brought upon myself, so I have no right to complain.
|”Aren’t you going to pay her a visit? You haven’t seen her yet, have you?”
|Youko-san interrupts me, but probably with the best intentions in mind.
|...Although I think I might have left the road to success in life.
|My second year as a working adult. In other words,<br>one year since then...
|”You won’t be able to do so right before they start,<br>you know? You should go while you still can.”
|「え、でも…<br>いいんですか? 俺なんかが」
|The national Touma Kazusa craze has died down. You don’t see her in the newspaper nowadays, or even in<br>the weekly magazines.
|”Eh, but… are you sure I can?”
|But that’s not because the pianist Touma Kazusa is less active or that the public opinion of her has decreased. In fact, it’s the opposite...
|”The one guarding her room is Miyo-chan, so you’ll be fine. Besides…”
|Her appearance in popular magazines has decreased, but recognition of her in the magazines that specialize in music has only increased.
|As if planting her roots in Europe, she started an aggressive tour of musical performances where she lives. Ever since her last performance in Japan, she has truly blossomed.
|”That girl won’t ever close a door to you again.”
|Using Touma Youko’s influence to her advantage,<br>she hasn’t just held individual performances,<br>but has also played along with famous orchestras.
|She has been fully recognized by the world as “the young pianist from Vienna.”
|”Why don’t you go there and give her your prince’s kiss? I’m sure it’ll motivate her greatly.”
|...Since she’s no longer known as a “Japanese celebrity,” her recognition in national magazines<br>has decreased.
|”You should be doing that after the concert as a reward, when she’s done good.”
|It’s been a year since then...
|”...I’ll be right back! I promise it’ll only take a short while! It’s nothing major, really!”
|It’s been a year since that last concert. A year<br>since Kazusa disappeared before my very eyes.
|Remaining stubborn with her, or being forced to sit by and watch these two restless adults go after each other was far too unbearable to me,<br>so I got off my seat and left.
|A year since I broke up with Setsuna.
|”Umm, this next song will be the last.”
|When I woke up this morning, Kazusa muttered “good morning” to me with her face still buried in my chest, as if waiting for me to wake up.
|Setsuna started singing again.
|Her expression was sleepy, calm, and very relaxed;<br>it was definitely not the look of a musician with<br>a concert to perform the same day.
|”Ahah, that was just a formality. Don’t worry, I’ve got two encore songs prepared.”
|It’s been half a day since then... I wonder if she was focusing properly. Did she get back that look that tells me she’s prepared for battle?
|”The public relations specialist from Knights is<br>in a band.”
|It's not like I can advise her on anything, but if<br>I can improve her mood somehow...
|It was half a month ago I heard that rumor from a client...
|Or maybe I’ll be able to put my own mind at ease by seeing her face...
|I heard that the band’s tickets for their concerts were very popular even among those that weren’t aware of what was going on behind the scenes,<br>so much that the tickets were typically sold out before noon on the day they went on sale.
|And just before I started to open the door to the dressing room...
|”Ah, before we start the last song, I have an announcement to make.
|”Thanks to the hosts here, I have another concert planned at Studio Troy… It will be on the 21st of<br>next month, on the Spring Equinox Day, at 6 PM.”
|A loud ringing came from my phone, which I forgot to turn off.
|”And actually, I’ve been talking to the other members about some things I’d like to try out next time…”
|”I’m not sure how much I should reveal yet, but… we’ll probably have a new song prepared.”
|The moment my phone rang, my first thought was that of relief that it didn’t ring while I was still in my seat in front of everyone.
|”Our band leader is doing his utmost to compose it right now, so I’d be happy if you could direct your cheers of encouragement to him.”
|But once I saw the name displayed on the screen, a name so utterly out of place for the present situation, that feeling of relief disappeared in an instant.
|”Well then, I’ll be playing my last song now… Please listen to I Want To Love You.”
|This is actually the first time I’ve looked up at Setsuna from a viewer’s seat.
|"Where are you right now?"
|After all, I’ve always been looking at her from behind as she sings, all while I played the guitar.
|I heard that rude and harsh voice just a few days ago.
|I pulled every string I knew and used a lot of my connections to get my hands on this platinum ticket.
|...One that declared that our friendship had come to an end.
|But I feel like that effort was worth it. Because Setsuna really does shine when she’s on stage.
|"Are you working? Even if you are, there's just one thing I want you to tell me."
|...She’s shining so much that she rivals even Kazusa’s performance back then.
|"No, I’m free right now... Well, what is it?”
|Though, of course, this performance is completely different from the performance from back then. From the audience to the mood, and above all, the amount of people watching.
|"...Can’t you guess, considering it’s me who’s calling you?"
|Still, the audience is listening attentively as if in a trance, and they’re swaying their bodies along with the slow tempo of Setsuna’s voice.
|"...What do you mean?"
|It’s not strong enough to leave a mark in their hearts. Rather, her voice gently envelops us, though there’s also a brilliant quality to it.
|Having someone I never expected to ever hear from weighed heavily on my heart, but...
|More than anything… her smile is dazzling, and<br>that’s probably not just my personal opinion.
|"She’s not... with you. She’s not... with you either..."
|"I keep asking... what do you mean?"
|That’s right, it’s been a year since then...
|And as if her reaction further shrouded everything in dark clouds, I found myself even more distraught.
|"Setsuna's... missing."
|Setsuna has now come to smile like this.
|She was betrayed despite doing nothing wrong. She<br>was one-sidedly hurt and was forced to separate from someone in the most unreasonable manner.
|Just like six years ago, when she lost her smile…<br>No, she was treated even worse this time, yet she<br>still never broke.
|That’s why it didn’t take me much time to finally understand the meaning behind her words.
|She’s beautiful yet strong. She’s cute yet sturdy. She’s turned into a good woman.
|”She hasn’t been home all week, but she still went to work as usual.”
|...She has no need for someone like me anymore.
|”But today she didn’t even show up for work, and we can’t reach her on her cell phone either…”
|"Setsuna did that...?"
|"It's your fault... It's all your fault, Kitahara-san!"
|...I didn't want to understand what she was saying.
|In order to not be seen by Setsuna, I exit the club while the cheers are still ongoing.
|...Though it’s not as if anything’s going to change even if she does see me.
|It’s long past the scheduled end of her performance, yet not a single person besides me has left the venue.
|That’s how popular the band is… or rather, how popular the singer is.
|"...! I’ll go take a look!"
|"Calm down, Youko-chan. If you get any more worked up, I'll have to take you back to the hospital."
|At last, it started falling.
|”B-But… He shouldn’t be this late.”
|The sky that was on the verge of tears since I came here shows a bit of stubbornness, and freezes its tears with the cold wind.
|”They probably just have a lot to talk about.<br>They’re young, after all.”
|The powder snow falls down as if trying to drown out the sound of Setsuna’s voice from my ears.
|”I have no idea what you’re fantasizing about. What are you saying they could possibly be doing three minutes before the concert?”
|Even when I try to look for the source of that whiteness, it is completely hidden in the darkness<br>of the night and the white snow.
|”In that case, maybe he just left for a smoke in the lounge? I’m sure he’ll come back once the concert starts.”
|”He doesn’t smoke, and he’s not that inconsiderate, besides…”
|At last, it started falling.
|Just like that day we promised never to part.
|”If he doesn’t come, there is no doubt this is going to end just like last time. That alone must be avoided no matter what.”
|Just like that day our promise was shown to be a castle built on sand.
|And today...
|”To Setsuna”
|The first time I looked up at that girl standing on the stage.
|This isn't the first time this has happened.
|The snow always appears at the crossroads in our lives, to remind us of all our pain, and sadness.
|”Where are you now?”
|”Everyone is worried. Please contact me as soon as you read this.”
|Two years ago when our relationship was uncertain,<br>we kept ignoring each other… Setsuna disappeared twice.
|As I watch the snow fall down from the sky, I suddenly feel a light impact on the back of my head.
|The first time was simply because of my own eagerness, when Setsuna disappeared from the mixer with the medical students. I traced her steps, and the search developed into a search party that involved everyone.
|"Why would you leave in the middle of it all? I even said there was going to be an encore."
|The second time was none other than Yanagihara Tomo’s fault, when Setsuna was almost forced to appear on stage, and ran away.
|Each time I involved everyone around me, and organized a search on a large scale in an attempt to find her.
|I grab my head and turn around, and I’m met with a girl still in her stage costume, raising her clenched fist at me with puffed up cheeks.
|I’d coerce the medical students, force freshmen I’d just met to help me out. I’d call old classmates of mine to help out. Ridiculous things like that.
|"There was only fifteen minutes left. Surely it wouldn’t have hurt to wait that long, would it?"
|And they would usually be forced to join in on my absurd efforts during times like those...
|"...Why are you calling me? I thought we settled everything."
|The famous singer stands before me, out of breath.
|I used to have precious friends.
|”Actually, you should’ve told me if you were going to come… You haven’t shown your face here once, and now you suddenly turn up out of nowhere.”
|"Yanagihara-san must’ve told you already!"
|In all that crowd, she had no trouble finding me standing far in the back.
|"...And what of it?"
|"More importantly, Setsuna… What about the encore?"
|"What of it...? Aren’t you worried?"
|"All the fans are booing at me right now, you know? You really caused me a lot of trouble."
|"Of course I’m worried. That’s why I’m doing everything I can to search for her right now. Tomo is even calling everyone she knows for help.”
|"Ha, haha..."
|”What about Takeya…?”
|"It's not funny! Making my customers angry is no joke! This business is all about gaining people’s favor!"
|"Setsuna… you really are foolish."
|”I see… you still haven’t made up.”
|"It’s not my fault! It’s your fault for leaving, Haruki-kun. Don’t you feel the least bit sorry…?"
|”And whose… whose fault do you think that is?”
|"You’re… you’re really…"
|These friends of mine who are truly precious and irreplaceable to me<br><br>despite the fact that our bonds have more or less collapsed at this point because of me...
|”So, how’s the search going? Do you have any leads?”
|"I don’t… know anyone as silly as you, Setsuna."
|”...What do you intend to do if I tell you, Haruki?”
|I really can’t believe this woman.
|”This has nothing to do with you anymore, right? What do you think you’ll accomplish by looking for Setsuna now?”
|She’s an adorable, strong, and gentle woman… who’s also incomparably foolish.
|She’s betrayed the expectations of all her audience for the sake of a single member among them.
|Two years ago...
|But she doesn’t see that action as her own; instead, she deludes herself into thinking that I made her do this.
|When I thought I was going to lose Setsuna, the hands that Io and Takeya reached out to me in my moment of utter anxiety was so reassuring.
|”I told Tomo to not contact you… I told her to not do something so pointless…”
|Her unbelievable strength of will to support the one person who made her suffer… and betrayed her twice, for a whole year.
|The everyday banter that would have no meaning to anyone but us three. The lighthearted atmosphere that softened my desperation, and eased the pain from my heart.
|"What is it, you idiot?"
|”I’ll ask again, Haruki. Why did you call me?”
|"If you keep calling me an idiot like that, I might actually turn into an idiot."
|Those conversations that we took for granted are now nothing but a nostalgic memory.
|Before I know it, Setsuna’s face is resting on my chest.
|And those days will most likely… no, most certainly never come back.
|"I might fall in love with you so much that I’ll be unable to hate you no matter what you do to me, you know?"
|”To… look for Setsuna.”
|「いいの? そんなこと言って。<br>そろそろ、コンサートが始まる時間よね?<br>…春希にとって、一番大切な時間なんだよね?」
|"...You’re such an idiot."
|”Are you sure you should be saying that? Isn’t her concert about to start right about now? Isn’t that the most important thing for you now?”
|But that’s obvious. After all, I’m the one who pulled her toward me.
|”Do you have any guesses on… where she could be?”
|「大丈夫? 寒くない?<br>どこも痛くない?<br>…辛く、ない?」
|”Are you okay? Are you cold? Does it hurt anywhere? Are you… suffering?”
|"I'm okay, I'm okay… it’s just..."
|Yet, right now I have no choice but to ignore her reaction, as if I never heard it.
|"It’s just...?"
|”For how long have you been looking for her? How close are you to finding her?”
|"It’s just that I feel guilty. For falling in love with you again, Setsuna…”
|”I don’t have to… tell you anything…”
|"...Do you mean Kazusa?"
|”This isn’t the time for that! I thought you were worried about Setsuna! You should be accepting help from any source you can get, seeing how desperate things are, shouldn’t you!?”
|"I mean you, Setsuna."
|”Haruki… you!”
|Up until now, she has told me as little as she could get away with, but now I have to force it out of her.
|Because I’m causing Setsuna trouble again. I’m giving Setsuna no choice but to protect me.
|”I know Setsuna better than anyone. There’s even a chance she might contact me... I’m the only one who<br>can find her!”
|When Kazusa’s final concert ended, Setsuna left my side.
|”If you trust her so much, then why… If you understand each other so well, then why…!?”
|But I still couldn’t accept that reality, so I spent all my days in my apartment, separating myself from everyone…
|Because I absolutely have to find Setsuna right now.
|It only took Setsuna a week to come back to my apartment.
|The two of us can’t reconcile, yet we still have to work together to achieve a common goal.
|She had recovered faster than the person who wronged her, and with her own power at that. After that, she put all her power into rehabilitating the perpetrator.
|”Tell me… Where have you called about her? Where have you still not looked for her?”
|...She turned into an idiot who’s unbelievably meddlesome and likes to look after me.
|”Tell me then, Haruki… what will you do when you find her?”
|"Why did you come back to me…?"
|”...I’ll talk to her.”
|"I came to steal you back, Haruki-kun..."
|”Talk about what? Are you going to promise her that you’ll never hurt her again? Are you going to wrap your arms around her and tell her that she never needs to worry again?”
|"Why do this for someone like me…?"
|"Because I hate Kazusa. She’s my sworn enemy."
|”Setsuna isn’t as strong as you think… you know this already, don’t you!?”
|"Why did you come immediately..."
|”...In any case, I’ll talk to her. I can’t promise anything other than that.”
|"In a single week, I cried a year's worth of tears. That’s why I had faith I could persevere for a year."
|”I’m begging you, Haruki… don’t make her cry any more than she already has…!”
|"My judgement wasn’t wrong, was it...?"
|”Don’t go to Vienna… Your elopement will not bring a single person happiness!”
|At that time, I was completely broken.
|Going outside and seeing other people was painful. Just talking to people made my body shut down, so<br>I certainly wasn’t in any condition to go to work.
|”You and Touma-san don’t suit each other anymore… She’ll only get hurt from this in the end too. You’ll both be crushed under the pressure.”
|On top of that, when Setsuna came to visit, I felt<br>no better. I said the most awful things to her, and rejected her with all my strength.
|”So please, please, Haruki…”
|I will never forget… the words Setsuna spoke to me then.
|"Do you want to forget me and overcome this? Do you want to overcome this with me? Those are the only two choices you have right now, Haruki-kun."
|"Haruki-kun, do you know which one sounds happier to me?”
|”We can talk about it once I’ve found Setsuna.”
|...I sobbed just as loudly as the day I parted with Kazusa, out of the sheer idiocy of it all.
|”Ah, changing the subject, I have an announcement.”
|Io’s words have been repeated to me by countless people. It was a truism without any originality.
|Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to find those words boring or tedious, and I couldn’t say with certainty that I felt nothing upon hearing them.
|Half a year has passed since then...
|”...Tell me where you’ve looked up until now. Also, call Takeya and ask him to help out. If you don’t want to, I’ll do it.”
|”Thankfully, the plans for my next birthday have<br>also been decided... It will be on the 14th this month, midnight on Valentine's Day.”
|”...I’ll do that. So you should try to contact Setsuna. Call her, text her.”
|”It’s going to be a weekday… so how about holding<br>it in my apartment at 8 o’clock in the evening?”
|”I’ve already done that. And I’ll continue to do that.”
|My emotional scars slowly healed, and I learned to blend into society like I used to...
|”I’m begging you, Haruki! Everything is your fault, but you’re the only one we can rely on… Find Setsuna…”
|”8 o’clock? The time we decided on was 6 o’clock, wasn’t it? I get that you’re busy, though.”
|”...Leave it to me.”
|”Maybe this isn’t the best way to put it… but in exchange, how about you come over right now? I’ll take you home tomorrow.”
|I wonder if my dry voice managed to deceive her.<br>I wonder if I could prevent my feelings from reaching the other side of the line.
|And next to me was this idiotic girl snuggling up to me.
|165|携帯アナウンス|Cell Phone Voicemail
|”My adorable, adorable Setsuna-sama. I love you more than anyone in the world. Please stay with me until morning.”
|”You have reached the voicemail for this number. Please leave a message after the beep.”
|”Setsuna, it’s me… Haruki.”
|”...I’ll do it if you say that.”
|”Where are you right now? If you can hear this, call me… I’ll come for you right away.”
|"Setsuna... you really have become stubborn."
|”Everyone is really worried about you. Your family, Yanagihara-san, Io, Takeya… and me too, of course.”
|Before I even realized it, I’ve begun to talk to this foolish girl who’s so dear to me.
|”Do what you want to me, but don’t cause too much trouble to everyone else. It’s not like you to do that, Setsuna.”
|"Well, I've been trained well by the one I love the most… And by the one who loves me the second most."
|”...I know I’m being hypocritical. But if you’re safe, I want you to contact me…!”
|"...You really have become good-natured."
|”That’s it for now, I’ll call you again.”
|"...So, your answer?"
|When I cut the call, the display changes to the home screen. The time is written in the middle: 19:00.”
|"I love you more than anyone in the world."
|It doesn’t simply refer to the fact that it’s 7 PM; it’s the time we made a promise for...
|"It's only... a half-lie."
|I ignore it, put my cell phone back in my pocket, and rush to the station.
|To find Setsuna… to check all the places she might be.
|Because I probably still love Kazusa even now. She’s probably still tied for being the one I love more than anyone else in the world.
|”Please, God…!”
|But with the way I am now, I can't live without Setsuna.
|”It’s fine… Have some faith in your daughter.”
|If Setsuna isn’t by my side… I wouldn’t know where I’d go in my life.
|”I see. So you still haven’t…”
|181|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|[S0Setsuna’s voice gently spreads throughout the city covered in snow.]
|[S0As if singing a lullaby to protect me.]
|”And have you considered… contacting the police?”
|183|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|[S0At last, it started falling.]
|”You’re right… Things have changed since yesterday, we should start considering it.”
|[S0During a day so carefree… but also a day where our bond grows deeper.]
|”Yeah… I think it might be a good idea. I can go ahead and do so if you want.”
|185|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|[S0Without apparent reason, it shows its white shape to me.]
|”Thank you very much. But it’s fine, we’ll call the police ourselves.”
|[S0The snow will cover up all of it.]
|”I see, very well. Then I’ll keep checking...”
|雪は覆い隠してしまう match to 1001/57 and 1013/306}}
|187|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|[S0The painful days of the past, and the sins I don’t want to remember.]
|”No… you’ve done enough.”
|[S0A white world abundant only in beauty expands before our eyes, leaving us there in its wake.]
|”Eh? But we’ve still not…”
|ただ白く、綺麗なだけの世界を目の前に広げ、俺たちを、そこに閉じこめようとするmatch to 1001/59 and 1013/308}}
|189|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|”This is our problem.”
|[S0But at the end of the day... Snow is all that it is.]
|けれど、所詮雪は雪であり1001/61 and 1013/310}}
|191|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|[S0Once it melts, all of the hidden truths and forgotten emotions it had been hiding will once again be brought into daylight for all to see.]
|”So please, you should go home, Kitahara-san. I am deeply grateful for your concern… Good night.”
|[S0They will penetrate the snow and the earth, and bloom into the sky like a nameless flower.]
|”W-Wait… Please wait, Mother.”
|193|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|195|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|”Mhn… It’s fine! I’m begging you, please…”
|197|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|”It’s okay, it’s okay… Setsuna is a strong girl.<br>I’m certain… she’ll come home.”
|199|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|”So please, don’t worry… Don’t bother yourself with us…”
|201|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|”Aaah… I… I’m sorry…! I’ll end the call.”
|”Take care.”
|We still haven't found Setsuna.
|Once the Ogiso family came to a dead end in the<br>search for their daughter, they decided to report her as missing.
|That’s why Mother… Setsuna’s mother told me that<br>I had done enough.
|This was no longer a matter for family or friends to handle. This was a job for the police...
|That’s the reason she refused to see me. There was no other reason for her not to look me in the face, even though I was right outside her door.
|”To Setsuna”
|There is no point in thinking about that. Right now,<br>I can’t worry about anything other than finding Setsuna.
|”If you see this text, contact your family immediately.”
|”I was just over at your place and talked with your mother. After some consideration, they decided to call the police.”
|”Everyone is really worried about you. Your mom hasn’t slept all night because she’s worried that something’s happened to you.”
|”So if you can see this text, and still haven’t contacted her even though you could…”
|”Quit screwing around! Don’t cause so much trouble for everyone.”
|I came off as really arrogant, and beyond hypocritical...
|I sent her the text which contains my all too familiar lecturing.
|And I prayed. I prayed that Setsuna would respond immediately and in that all too familiar way.
|It finally came.
|Just when I was starting to be at a loss after searching every location nearby that I could think of, it finally came.
|”Re: Setsuna”
|”I just called my family. You can stop worrying now.”
|I knew it.
|Setsuna is a good girl. She’s diligent, and strong.
|That’s why when she understands that she’s causing everyone to worry, she’ll react immediately.
|That’s why I used that tactic. An underhanded tactic that I was sure would be impossible for her to ignore.
|”...Ten rings.”
|My five calls earlier got transferred to voicemail, but now my call is continuing.
|It’s probably because I called her right after I got her text, so she didn’t manage to turn off her phone in time.
|Seeing my name written on the screen must be giving her pause right about now.
|”...That’s twenty.”
|So it’s only a matter of whether she responds or not. My chances are good.
|Because I’m not hanging up the call from my end...
|”...You’re annoying.”
|”...Sorry for calling you so late.”
|I would never do that.
|”To go as far as calling the police… all of you were going way overboard.”
|This is the first time I’ve heard Setsuna’s voice in days.
|”No, it’s not… everyone was extremely worried.”
|”...Were you too, Haruki-kun?”
|”Me too.”
|She’s sulking, and she sounds tired. There is a sadness in her voice.
|”I’m an adult now, you know? I can take some alone time if I want…”
|”Then make sure people can reach you first. If you don’t, then you aren’t being an adult.”
|”Where are you right now? I’ll come get you.”
|”You don’t have to, really.”
|”Yes, I do. I’m coming over there, and I’m taking you home.”
|Her voice is shaking.
|Is it from being lectured by me of all people, or is she shivering from the utter cold?
|”Why are you trying to do this? What does it matter<br>to you if I don’t go home?”
|”If you don’t go home, Setsuna… I won’t sleep in peace.”
|”And why would that be the case…? I already said that you don’t need to worry about me anymore…”
|”I don’t need a reason. I’m just worried about you! Everyone else is worried too, so give us some peace of mind. Show us that you’re doing okay...”
|On the other end of the line, Setsuna sounded calmer than I expected.
|”Where are you…? Where in the world are you right now, Setsuna? Please tell me.”
|I use that fact to lift my spirits, and I try to connect with Setsuna.
|”...Do you want to see me?”
|”I do want to see you, Setsuna.”
|To look for the severed end of the thread that once bound us together.
|”Then… I’ll give you a hint.”
|"Then, I'll give you hints. If you don't get it right after the third one…
|match to 1006/69}}
|I’ll cry, okay?”
|match to 1006/70}}
|『え? いや、ちょっと待って!<br>そんな重要な曲って…』
|”Eh? No, wait a minute! Is this song of yours that important...?”
|match to 1006/71}}
|"Hint number one. What would be..."
|match to 1006/72}}
|”Hint number one. Our… place filled with memories.”
|”...I can’t guess from just that. We have too many of those.”
|I heard her gulp on the other line.
|Almost as if wordlessly telling me “You’re really going to say that?”
|”Sorry… but this quiz is the one I simply cannot get wrong.”
|But there really are too many places to count.
|Places I visited with Setsuna by my side.
|Places where we grew closer, where we drifted apart, where we shared our love, where we argued.
|Just within this city there are too many to count.<br>If you include places we’ve been on vacation, it’d take more than a day just to list them all.
|That’s how deeply engraved it is, the history between Setsuna and me. Engraved in this country...
|”...Then, second hint. I’m looking at the sea right now.”
|”Don’t move! Stay right where you are! I’ll be there right away!”
|After transiting from one train to another twice...
|Once I got off at Arumi Station, I knew the way.
|Because only two weeks ago… Setsuna was here.
|”Let’s go home… it’s cold out here.”
|”Let’s at least go somewhere warm… Don’t you feel under the weather?”
|Setsuna’s face was white as snow.
|Normally, I would put my hand against her forehead against her will and measure her temperature. That’s just how worried I would be.
|”No, I’m okay… I’m fine.”
|”I see…”
|But I threw away the right to touch Setsuna by my own will...
|”There was no point in running away.”
|”In the end, I only made you worry, Haruki-kun. I got in the way of Kazusa’s concert. It all came to nothing.”
|”Came to nothing?”
|”It means when something that you worked hard on is undone.”
|”I wasn’t asking for a definition…”
|”I’m always like this. I try to make things better, but only end up making things worse. It’s really no wonder things turned out this way...”
|”Saying that I wasn’t thinking is really nothing but an excuse. I’m really stupid, I know.”
|”Like I said, what are you…”
|”No… I was purposely trying to avoid thinking about things turning out this way. After all, I’m filthy.”
|I didn’t understand what Setsuna was talking about.
|The words that Kazusa told me creep up in my consciousness, saying “I broke her.”
|”Tell me, Haruki-kun.”
|Yet the expression on her face and her words sounded normal, just like the usual, kind Setsuna I’ve come to know.
|”I’m sorry, but I’m fine now.”
|...She was still the woman I knew better than anyone else.
|”Were you… looking at the sea all this time?”
|”When I left Kazusa, I couldn’t bring myself to return. Not to my hotel, not home.”
|”So I asked myself where I wanted to go.”
|”And that thought led you here?”
|”This wasn’t the only place that came to mind,<br>I thought of a lot of places.”
|”I… see.”
|”For example, the park near my house… the place where you saw the real me.”
|"So you knew about it all along... this side of me."
|match to 1003/193}}
|"You've known about me for so long, Kitahara-kun..."
|match to 1003/204}}
|That was where I got to know Setsuna for the first time… the place where I met her in her casual wear.
|The school idol who would work part-time in disguise. The school idol who would complain about things that were her own fault. The school idol who would worry about her hungry brother waiting for her to return for dinner...
|”The karaoke bar in Minami-Suetsugu… where I went on a date with a boy for the first time.”
|”Hey, Kitahara-kun.”
|match to 1003/374}}
|"With this, Ogiso Setsuna's last secret has been revealed... You've just learned all about me."
|match to 1003/376}}
|An idol whose inconsiderateness when it concerns singing almost made me flinch.
|Singing for as long as the reserved time would allow, and even picking a song right before the time was up just to sing for a few extra minutes.
|And when I looked at her dumbfounded, she teasingly stuck out her tongue at me. No longer did I see her as an idol, but as a girl by the name of Ogiso Setsuna.
|「他にもいろいろ思いついた。<br>かずさの家とか、付属とか。<br>ね? 知ってる? 今日、卒業式なんだよ?」
|”I thought of many other places too. Kazusa’s house, the school... Did you know today is the graduation ceremony?”
|”Oh… was that today?”
|”So many places came to mind… all the roads I walked with you, all the places I visited with you.”
|The places Setsuna is imagining...
|All of those are places we made memories in together, and places where memories of the three of us rested.
|”But why? I wonder why…”
|And out of all those places, she chose...
|”Before I realized it, I was here…”
|This place was indeed a place of many memories for Setsuna and me. It was, but…
|”It’s strange, isn’t it…? There are still so many… so many other fun places!”
|”The amusement park, the zoo, the cinema… memories of us laughing together, loving each other are imprinted on so many other places too.”
|”Yet, no matter what, no matter what… I came to this place.”
|”It feels like everything was overwritten, don’t you agree? It feels like this is the only place our memories together still remain.”
|”...As the place we broke up.”
|”When I’m here, I recall that day.”
|This is the place of our most recent memory, and the place of our saddest memory...
|”It happened just the other day, yet it feels like ages ago. It actually happened, yet I remember it like some bad dream… No, perhaps that’s just what I want it to be.”
|Why this place… Setsuna.
|”So it’s really painful, and sad. I feel like I’m about to lose myself… no, I think I’ve already begun to lose my mind.”
|”Let’s go home, already…”
|”So I thought to myself that none of it mattered… that everything is just too much trouble… that I don’t want to see anybody… that I want to be alone.”
|”You’re only thinking that because you’re in this freezing cold…”
|It’s because you’re in this awful, cold place.
|Why are you doing this to yourself…?
|”Hey, Haruki-kun.”
|”It’s been five years…”
|It has...
|”For three years, we kept missing one another. For two years, we were in each other's arms.”
|I’m sorry for those three years, and I’m… grateful for those two years.
|”We piled up a hill of so much happiness, and so much sadness.”
|You’re right.
|”We are bound in both body and soul. It can’t be torn off now, after all this time.”
|Our history together, that cannot be surpassed by anyone.
|”I wouldn’t be myself anymore if I let that bond be torn off.”
|”What about you…? Can you say you’re truly Kitahara Haruki if you tear off that bond...?”
|You’re mistaken...
|”Will you be able to remain yourself?”
|Right now, I’m not the Kitahara Haruki you see.
|”Was I that ineffective at leaving an impression on you? Was our bond… so fragile that you could just tear it off like that?”
|Five years ago, I chose Kazusa, not you...
|I’m… the Kitahara Haruki from a different history.<br>A me that you don’t know anymore, Setsuna.
|”Tell me, Haruki-kun… Haruki-kun!”
|I’m hit by her questions like a blade piercing my chest, and I bear it in silence.
|Because if I let the thoughts I keep repressed gush out, my terrible resolve will be for nothing.
|But neither am I strong nor correct enough to coldly deflect her questions in order to protect that resolve.
|And as a result… I continue leaving Setsuna in a state of uncertainty in the most despicable act.
|”...Haah. Just kidding.”
|And then...
|After letting herself be swept away by her emotions, she speaks in a light voice.
|And then she takes a deep breath, calms herself down, closes her eyes, and stops her tears.
|”I’m overwhelmed by so much sadness and yet…”
|And a few seconds later, when Setsuna spoke again...
|”I feel a sadness like the whole world is ending.<br>I feel like I’m losing something just as important<br>as the whole world…”
|Her voice was shaking, but just barely.
|”Even so, I turned on my phone earlier… and I called my family.”
|I could feel a hint of anger and irritation… and the slightest bit of relief in her voice.
|”My mom was crying. My dad was happy about my well-being like it was his own. And they told me that Takahiro had been out looking for me all night…”
|I did everything in my power to hide my relief at those words, to hide the smile that was creeping up on me.
|Even if I am happy, I have long since given up the right to show her that.
|”I’m sorry, Haruki-kun… no, perhaps this has nothing to do with you anymore.”
|It has… everything to do with me...
|”Remember what I told you? That I was going to abandon Japan, and follow you two along. That I was prepared to do even that...”
|”About that…”
|”But that was a lie. I can’t bring myself to cease being a child of the Ogiso family. I can’t bring myself to stop being Japanese.”
|I wanted to nod with every fiber of my being.
|Even if I no longer had the right, I didn’t want to think that this had nothing to do with me.
|I only wanted to one-sidedly let out my thoughts, only to have her watch as I try to stop myself from saying too much.
|”At the very end, I never broke completely…<br>I couldn’t obsess about you to that degree…”
|Because she wouldn’t be Setsuna otherwise.
|”I feel so much sadness, and I feel like my heart is about to burst open…”
|She wouldn’t stray away from rationality and intuition.
|”But I thought about it… that my mom, dad, and Takahiro were worried about me.”
|Always adhering to both those things, and always wavering.
|”I thought of how Io, Takeya-kun and Tomo were probably looking for me. I thought of the people at work, who tried to contact me but received no answer.”
|Always compromising, always naturally finding the balance.
|”That’s what I thought about…”
|That’s the kind of girl Ogiso Setsuna was—the girl<br>I loved.
|”I couldn’t bring myself to throw everything away and decide that none of it matters anymore…”
|I loved her so deeply because that was the kind of girl she was.
|I loved her more than anything.
|”What’s the matter with me, I wonder…?”
|”It was pointless. Even when you abandoned me,<br>I couldn’t separate myself from the world.”
|It wasn’t pointless at all. It was just like you to draw that conclusion, and it was the correct choice.
|”So in the end, I couldn’t win against Kazusa.<br>I couldn’t surpass Kazusa, who is capable of throwing everything away for your sake, Haruki-kun.”
|...But unable to tell her that, I simply hang my head.
|”As I thought, my feelings weren’t as powerful as Kazusa’s… I wasn’t that serious about you…!”
|One after another, her words enter my head, and one after another, they wreak havoc.
|Because I was the one who rejected Setsuna’s feelings. I’m the one who tore the thread that bound us together apart.
|”Apologize to Kazusa for me.”
|”For... what?”
|”Tell her I’m sorry for getting in the way of her concert again.”
|By now, the concert should be in its final stage.<br>I won’t make it in time, even if I leave right now.
|Just like that night in Osaka.
|”This is the second time I lured you away from Kazusa… even though this day was so important<br>to you two.”
|Just like on that day that marked the very beginning of the end, where something important had to be destroyed for the sake of recovering another.
|”I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I… on top of saying such cruel things to Kazusa, I’ve…”
|”It’s fine…”
|Setsuna’s apology came from a one-sided interpretation, one that is exactly like her to make.
|”We promised... that she would play, that she would show the audience the best she’s got, even if I’m not watching her.”
|Even so, I answer her words with a complete lie.
|As I look down on my phone, and read the text that just arrived.
|”I’ll play. I’ll show you I can. As long as you’re by my side, I won’t be afraid of anything…”
|match to 3108/570}}
|”Yeah, I’m counting on you…”
|match to 3108/571}}
|”So be there to watch over me during the concert…<br>and all the other times too.”
|match to 3108/572}}
|”Yeah, I’ll watch over you… but that doesn’t mean I’ll always be there by your side.”
|”I’ll be living for your sake from now on. All so you can still find the strength to smile and be happy in that tiny world of yours, even as you’ve cut yourself off from everything.”
|”Don’t tell me… you’re not coming?”
|”I-I’ll go! I promise I’ll go! Didn’t I just say that?”
|”B-But you just said… you wouldn’t be there by my side.”
|”Don’t interpret things in the worst possible way…<br>I meant that there might be times like that in the future… not tomorrow.”
|”And when would that be…?”
|”I don’t know.”
|”You don’t know…?”
|”It could be tomorrow, it could be a year from now.<br>It might not even happen at all.”
|”But aren’t you going to protect me from now on? Aren’t you always going to be by my side?”
|”Yeah, I’ll always protect you.”
|I already vowed to do that when I decided to pick Kazusa.
|”But there might be times where protecting you and being with you aren’t the same thing… and during times like that, I’ll prioritize protecting you.”
|And so I made another vow, to never do anything that would get in the way of protecting her.
|”What’s that... supposed to mean?”
|”There might be times when I’ll have to be away for the sake of protecting you. From now on, there’ll be times like that.”
|”Again, what’s that supposed to mean…?”
|”I already told you I don’t know. I can’t predict the future, you know.”
|It might have been me being overly cautious and bringing up something with only the slightest possibility.
|”Hey, Kazusa… From now on, my life will be dedicated to you… dedicated to living with you.”
|”But if there is something more important than being with you to make you happy, I might not be with you then.”
|”Like I said, why would that happen…? Where would you be if not with me?”
|”I could be off working for you, I might be distancing myself for your sake, I might even be out there fighting for you.”
|Or perhaps I had a premonition something was about to happen.
|”So I want you to trust me when that happens… that my absence is for your sake.”
|”That it’s the best outcome for you that I’m not with you at that time.”
|”But my heart will always be with you. Even if I’m not physically there, we’ll always be connected. Trust me already, would you…?”
|”So you can stop worrying about that. Just be there and shine. Make a legend of yourself.”
|”Also, don’t ever think of protecting me, or sacrificing yourself for my sake again. It’s nothing but a bother to me.”
|”A bother… hey...”
|”You’re incapable of anything anyway… other than grinning as you play your piano. You don’t have the ability to save me.”
|”Doesn’t that… mean that I’m completely useless?”
|”Be useless, for my sake. Be my reason to work as hard as I can.”
|”Idiot, you idiot... you idiot…! Aaah…”
|The sound of Kazusa crying, along with her tears leaves a wet stain on my chest, and becomes my strength.
|Something that is of absolutely no use to Kazusa, yet gives me a powerful energy.
|”Uaaaah… Haruki, Haruki… I love you, I love you… uuh, haha… ahaha...!”
|Those tears and that piano of hers… and that smile she shows ever so rarely.
|”Hey, Haruki.”
|”I might be unable to do anything but play the piano from now on… actually, that is probably most likely.”
|”You’re saying that now?”
|”I’m not good with money, I can’t do chores, I might not even be able to make any money with my piano. I might be doing nothing but making your life a living hell.”
|”I’ve taken that into account ages ago.”
|”You’ll push yourself to the limit for my sake, ruin your health, and maybe end up dying young.”
|”Hey… keep saying things like that and I actually might.”
|”However… if there is one thing I can take for certain it’s this… if you die, I’ll follow you right after.”
|”...Moron. You’re awfully bold for someone who hasn’t even lived half her life.”
|”And you can say whatever you want. I’ll do everything I can to make something of myself… and if you think you can stop me, I dare you to try.”
|”Just so you know, I won’t follow you. If you were to die before I do, I’ll just go on through the pain and continue living out my life.”
|”Yes, I want you to do that… You’ll be free from me then, and you’ll be able to relax. Then you can live for as long as you want.”
|”You don't have to tell me that…”
|”And if something like that were to ever happen…<br>go and make up with Setsuna.”
|”If I’m dead, I’ll allow it… you can go back to Setsuna then.”
|”You’re an absolute moron, you know…? You really think Setsuna would be okay with that?”
|”You know, there… there was a different path,<br>a happier path we could have taken.”
|”...Go to sleep already. It’s beginning to get bright outside.”
|”Setsuna would be there, crying in front of the altar, you’d get embarrassed, and I’d be there playing the organ.”
|”...I’m going to sleep.”
|”That future would have been the happiest future for the three of us… only if we could have managed to keep the balance between us.”
|”...Good night.”
|”Good night, Haruki…”
|”This is…”
|”...Hah, haha.”
|”I don’t think I’ve seen such a positive reception since… your own performance after your tour abroad.”
|”What spell did you put on her, Guitar-kun…?”
|”I see…”
|”It was a massive success, you bastard.”
|The text contained only one sentence, but to us, it conveyed countless feelings.
|”How nice… I should've known she’d pull it off.”
|And Setsuna...
|”I get it. She’s capable of anything for her dear Haruki-kun.”
|She smiled as she looked like she was being torn to pieces by a blade. A blade born from the words, actions, and the bond between Kazusa and me.
|”It’s just like five years ago. No matter how much<br>I tried to get in the way, nothing changed.”
|With that very same strength that I loved her for,<br>she takes a step away from me.
|”I’m glad… I’m so glad. Right, then… I’ll leave you in Kazusa’s care.”
|Sublimely, beautifully...
|And in my eyes, she wore a smile that could tear herself apart.
|”Just kidding… I was the one who stole you in the first place. I’m the one being unreasonable.”
|”That’s not…!”
|”Let me rephrase it. I’m sorry, Kazusa… I borrowed Haruki-kun for far too long, but now I’ll give him back to you.”
|I shouldn’t be feeling so much pain. I shouldn’t reach out my hand to her.
|Yet Setsuna looks as peaceful, and as kind as a saint.
|”Congratulations, Kazusa. I’m glad your concert turned out well.”
|”Perhaps what I did paid off in the end? Perhaps it wasn’t all for nothing.”
|It lasted for only a fleeting moment.
|[F16”I’m so glad I didn’t get in your way. I’m so glad.”]
|[F16”I’m so glad no one found out. Not Kazusa,<br>not Haruki-kun, not anyone…”]
|”Are… are you okay!?”
|”Hey, hang in there!”
|”Ah, ah…”
|”Ah, can you see me? Do you understand me?”
|”Umm… where is… this?”
|”Don’t try to stand up! Lie down! Someone call an ambulance!”
|”Ah, no, wait… this isn’t… The traffic light was green! This person came out of nowhere!”
|”That doesn’t matter right now! Call an ambulance already!”
|”Ah, r-right away!”
|”That’s… not necessary. I’m perfectly…”
|”Don’t argue and stay down. We’ll go to the hospital and we’ll see if it’s anything serious, okay?”
|”Can you recall the number to your family? Or perhaps your friends, your place of work…?”
|”...You can’t!”
|”I can’t…? You must still be very confused…”
|”I’m not… It’s not that big of a deal. Don’t contact anyone!”
|”Ah, wait a second… you shouldn’t be standing up!”
|”...! Ow...!”
|”Look, I’m sure you have a concussion. For now you should just…”
|”I’m really grateful… but I’m fine. Look, I’m not even bleeding.”
|”What if you have internal bleeding? Stay still until the ambulance arrives!”
|”...No ambulance! I absolutely won’t accept it!”
|”Calm down, don’t struggle… Aah!”
|”No one can know about this! Tomorrow is the day of Kazusa’s concert!”
|”But this… if my family or my friends find out about this, so will she…”
|”Ah, listen… calm down. Why are you running?”
|”They cannot find out! Not Kazusa, not Haruki-kun… never!”
|「駄目! 走ったら駄目!<br>戻ってきなさい~!」
|”Stop it! You shouldn’t be running! Come back here!”
|「ぁ? ぁぁ…<br>ごめん、ちょっとぼうっとしてた」
|”Huh? Ah… Sorry, I spaced out for a bit.”
|With a fleeting smile, she closed her eyes, and for a few dozen seconds...
|Almost as if she fell asleep on the spot, she completely lost touch with the outside world.
|”Perhaps you really are cold…”
|”I’m not cold, I’m not cold. That’s not it at all…”
|”But you’re right. There is no point in being here anymore… we’re finished with our conversation, after all.”
|And once she came back to her senses, she acted like nothing had happened.
|”You can go home now. You can go back to Kazusa.”
|She begins our check-out from this place.
|”You too, Setsuna…”
|”I’ll stay here… for a short while longer.”
|”You can’t… not in this cold. If walking is too difficult for you, I’ll call you a taxi.”
|”That’s not what I meant. I actually just got a text from my mom… They’re coming to pick me up by car soon.”
|”I see.”
|”Don’t you agree that it's just like my family to do that?”
|It really is.
|I always liked that about them.
|I long admired the family that had what I did not.
|”They should be here soon. If you stay any longer, you’ll have to face my dad, you know? That would be painful for you, wouldn’t it?”
|”So we should say our goodbyes here… okay?”
|”Setsuna… ah.”
|That’s right… I no longer have the right to grab her hand.
|”I’m fine… I’m going to be fine… I have everyone else, after all.”
|”Family, friends, coworkers… they all support me, they protect me.”
|”So no matter how badly I get hurt, I’ll heal in time.”
|In the true sense of the word...
|I have given back Setsuna to those who love her,<br>to those she needs.
|”Good bye then, Haruki-kun…”
|I no longer have anything to do with Setsuna...
|”Have a good life.”
|As I’m only a few steps away from the station,<br>it started falling.
|The curtain of white that always appeared during the crossroads of our lives. Snow that only ever fell during times of hardship and sorrow.
|A white, transient, and a kind… yet still relentless cold.
|Setsuna said...
|She said that she’d be fine. But right now, she’s going up against not just the powerful sea breeze, but also against the enveloping snow.
|That’s right, my coat...
|It probably won’t be much more than putting a bandaid on a large wound, but if I can do something for her in even the slightest way...
|Then I’ll...
|How many times do I have to go back and forth about this?
|I can no longer be with Setsuna. That’s what she herself has said to me.
|Sure enough, it started falling.
|Just as it fell on the day I had to sacrifice the most precious thing to me, in order to obtain something just as precious.
|It fell as if to wash away my sins. Almost as if trying to shroud away my memories in a thick layer of snow.
|The snow scatters from above.
|Be happy. Find happiness, Setsuna.... It’s the greatest wish I’ll ever have in my life.
|I can only regret that I’m no longer the one who can make that happen.
|Even so, I’ll still be praying forever and ever.
|That if you were to stumble upon hard times, or if you were to ever find yourself in sorrow...
|That you’ll remember me. That you’ll hate me and resent me as much as you can.
|I want you to use that anger and turn it into strength. Strength that can help you get back up on your feet again.
|I want you to work toward a path to a world where your heart rejects me... A world where you’ll think nothing of my absence.
|So please, please… hate me, hate me for all time. And surround yourself in a new, warmer happiness...
|And maybe someday… forget about me.
|”This powder snow falls on me without end.”
|Powder Snow lyrics}}
|”Just like... that… warm kindness… of yours...”
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Revision as of 03:47, 28 December 2021

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