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== Translation ==
== Translation ==
== Editing ==
== Editing ==
== Translation Notes ==
== Translation Notes ==
== Text ==
== Text ==
|The snow from last night had stopped by morning, and most of the snow that had covered the streets has melted away by now.
|Yet thick clouds still cover the sky, threatening to burst into tears at any moment and recreate the white scenery of the streets from the night before.
|A strong, unpleasant wind rattles the windows, as if to bring about the cold with the noise alone.
|I guess spring is still a ways off.
|As I raise my head, I see the one person I absolutely have to see right now.
|The one person I absolutely do not want to see right now.
|"I'm sorry... I couldn’t reach you on the phone and the door was unlocked, so I thought maybe you collapsed like you did last time..."
|Ah... come to think of it, the doorbell had been ringing for a while until now.
|And my cell phone… I don’t remember how many times it rang since morning.
|"I'm fine. As you can see, there's nothing wrong."
|"'As you can see'...?"
|"...Is something off?"
|I’ve continuously ignored Setsuna’s calls, and I’m currently huddled up with my back against the bed and with my knees tucked in my arms. No matter how I look at it, I’m in a state that would honestly invite worry from anyone.
|"I'm fine, really. But thank you... for worrying about me."
|"Of course I'd worry! \k
|Because I'm..."
|”So, what's up?"
|"Ah, well..."
|I can't bear to hear what comes after, "Because I'm..." right now.
|I cannot shamelessly accept something that I’ve trampled upon with my very own feet.
|"I actually wanted to tell you this yesterday, but… \k
|<br>I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you because there were a lot of things going on..."
|From her current demeanor alone, I already realize why she didn't... no, why she couldn't tell me yesterday.
|"It's about Kazusa..."
|She’s referring to what was written in Kazusa's letter.
|That’s because I dashed out of the school before I’d finished listening to what Setsuna had to say.
|...And I’d ignored Setsuna's phone calls back then as well.
|"The plane departs at 2 o’clock this afternoon..."
|"I see..."
|So that's why she came last night.
|Kazusa had really meant to bid me her final farewell when she called me last night.
|...I ended up completely ruining that, though.
|"...You don't seem surprised."
|"Well... I already figured from the start that it would happen sometime in the next few days."
|I'm lying again. I'm deceiving Setsuna again.
|But I don't even feel disturbed or disgusted at myself anymore. Something inside of me seems to have gone completely numb.
|"Let's go, Haruki-kun. If we leave now, we can still make it with time to spare."
|"I'm fine..."
|"Why? \k
|We don't know when we'll be able to meet her again, you know? She's our best friend, right?"
|"I’m fine already, really."
|I've already said my goodbyes.
|I swore that I would never forget her and that<br>I would always love her even after we’re separated.
|I've... betrayed Setsuna in earnest.
|"More importantly, I have something I have to tell you. Will you please listen?"
|I haven't even told her anything yet, but in an instant, Setsuna's eyes begin to waver.
|It's not surprising that she feels something’s out of the ordinary given how I’m behaving right now.
|"You know, I, to tell you the truth..."
|"I don't want to hear it..."
|But more importantly... I can see a fearful glint shimmering in Setsuna’s eyes.
|"It's something very important. I can't allow this to keep dragging on any longer."
|Nevertheless, I must continue. I have to convey my cruel feelings to Setsuna.
|I can’t bear to continue betraying Setsuna any longer.
|Even if I could play the hypocrite to save everyone like Takeya suggested, I don’t believe that would bring true salvation, nor true happiness.
|...At least, that’s how this was supposed to go.
|"I have something very important I need to do as well. I have to go and see Kazusa, no matter what!"
|Setsuna refuses to let up, though.
|"Which is why... I'll listen to whatever you have<br>to say inside the train on our way to the airport.<br>If not, then I'm never going to hear you out."
|Much like the day we started calling each other by our first names, she remains desperately and childishly unreasonable.
|Even though going to the airport… and meeting Kazusa again may only end with a terribly cruel farewell...
|And even though Setsuna herself may also have realized that by now...
|"Let's go, Haruki-kun. The three of us aren’t finished yet."
|match to 3107/380}}
|Despite all of that, she extends her fair, slender hand toward me.
|"It looks like it'll snow again..."
|"Will the snow be heavy? Will it be able to stop the plane from leaving? Will all flights be canceled?"
|"Will Kazusa... give up on leaving...?"
|The train to the airport isn’t all that crowded, possibly because the hour’s still early for a common weekday.
|Setsuna has been looking out the window for a while now, entrusting her last sliver of hope to the gray sky that looks like it's about to shed its white tears.
|She knows full well, however, that her wishes will not come true.
|"Why... aren't you blaming me?"
|I’ve already told her everything.
|I told her about how even though I promised to start dating her—and even when I started acting the part—I ended up falling in love with someone else.
|I told her about that fateful day of her birthday party—the day I ended up betraying her for the very first time.
|I told her about the day I called Kazusa by her first name—the day I completely broke the bond I shared with Setsuna.
|"After I betrayed you so horribly... why aren't you saying anything? There should be a limit to how kind a person can be..."
|I’ve truly revealed everything.
|That even before I’d met Setsuna, I was already attracted to Kazusa.
|That even on the day I decided to date Setsuna, it was Kazusa's image that had crossed my mind.
|That even from the very beginning of my relationship with Setsuna, I always held Kazusa in my heart.
|That in order to forget about Kazusa, I tried to close the distance between Setsuna and myself too hastily.
|"Come on, say something. You can hit me, yell at me, or just show me that you’re incapable of forgiving me…”
|The fact that she’s being too kind to me… and the fact that she’s not blaming me whatsoever...
|They only serve to gouge my heart out more than anything.
|"Rather than be angry… I more or less expected all of this would happen.”
|"I knew about your feelings. I also knew about Kazusa's feelings. It was only after I knew all about it that I decided to force myself between the two of you.”
|"It’s just... if there’s something I didn’t expect… it’s probably how woefully serious you two were about each other."
|She’d seen right through me.
|She knew how I was plain, dense, selfish, and utterly inconsiderate of others deep down inside—and she had accepted everything from the very beginning.
|"That was the one part where my calculations were completely off. And that's why we’ve all been split<br>up like this... I'm sorry, Haruki-kun."
|"Why are you apologizing, Setsuna...? That’s just ridiculous now, isn’t it…?"
|"No, it's not ridiculous at all. After all... I also betrayed you, Haruki-kun."
|Stop it, Setsuna...
|"The reason I confessed to you wasn’t because… I wanted to become your girlfriend no matter what.”
|Stop trying to unreasonably stand up for me...
|"I just wanted the three of us to stay together forever. I didn't want to be left out by those<br>I cared about."
|match to 3107/378}}
|"I wanted that festival where the three of us together enjoyed ourselves like fools to go on forever."
|”To that end alone, I offered to become your girlfriend."
|"I mean, if I hadn't forced myself between the two of you, you would have gradually gotten closer to Kazusa, Haruki-kun. You would have become lovers right before my very eyes."
|"And then at some point, the two of you would’ve ended up distancing yourselves from me, just a little bit."
|"And once that distance is created, it would only grow wider. We would find ourselves as two people and one more before we knew it.”
|"I really didn’t want to end up being left alone.<br>So I took it upon myself to balance it out."
|"I directed your feelings toward me, Haruki-kun, in an attempt to balance us so that the three of us could keep staying together."
|"You're the only one for Kazusa. And you also longed for Kazusa."
|"Which meant... as long as I could squeeze myself in by your side, Kazusa would never leave us either, Haruki-kun… See? That makes three of us."
|"I knew everything."
|"I knew that if I confessed to you right then and there, you would definitely accept me."
|"I knew that if I confessed before Kazusa could convey her feelings to you, I would certainly win.”
|"After all, I knew everything. How you're keenly responsible. How you're deeply caring. And how you're so kind that you're incapable of turning down any request, Haruki-kun."
|"I knew that there was no way you could throw aside someone who told you that she loves you and needs you."
|"I knew that it would hurt both you and Kazusa, Haruki-kun… but I did it nevertheless, all for my sake alone."
|"That’s why you weren’t the one that ended up betraying me, Haruki-kun."
|"Trying to fulfill my wish for the three of us to remain together, you suffered, struggled, endured…<br>and finally crumbled, that’s all."
|"That's why I don't have any right to be angry. I'm not even allowed to be sad."
|"Enough already."
|"I'm sorry... I do love you, Haruki-kun… but I wasn’t as serious about my feelings as Kazusa was."
|"I said, enough already."
|It's as if Setsuna is giving me a one-sided farewell...
|She’s forcibly vilifying herself.
|"So just... don't worry about it, okay?"
|She’s taking the excessively clumsy logic of being the one at fault all so she can lighten the weight of my sins.
|"Haruki-kun, if you just tell me that you can't forgive me, I won’t chase after you anymore."
|"I could... I could never say something like that."
|I’m supposed to be the unforgivable one here.
|"Though, should you become lonely after losing Kazusa, if you can still find it in yourself to love me, even just a little bit..."
|"Stop this, Setsuna, st..."
|"You can treat me as Kazusa's replacement, okay?"
| }}
|"...Stop it!"
|The handful of passengers aboard the train all look toward us simultaneously.
|They throw puzzled glances at the man who has the audacity to yell at the girl accompanying him in public before quickly looking away.
|"We can’t do that... We’d only be running away from reality. Things would only fall apart again. We would both be hurt even more deeply down the line."
|"No, I won't be hurt… Or rather, it can't be helped even if I do get hurt."
|They must think that this is just a meaningless lovers’ quarrel.
|"I'm the one who ruined everything, after all.<br>I wanted the three of us to stay together, but<br>we just ended up drifting apart. So let me comfort you, Haruki-kun."
|That not too long after we get off the train, we’ll make up and go back to being a silly couple oblivious to our surroundings.
|...How nice it would be if this was really just a silly lovers’ quarrel like that and nothing more.
|"Or maybe I can't do that anymore? Maybe you've come to… despise me, Haruki-kun?"
|"Just cut it out already..."
|The conversation isn’t going anywhere.
|Setsuna refuses to acknowledge my sins no matter what.
|Much like how I can't acknowledge the nonexistent sin that Setsuna claims to bear.
|"...I guess it's impossible after all. You won't forgive me."
|Yes, it's unforgivable. I won't allow you to forgive me.
|Because if you forgive me, Setsuna, I will remain nothing more than the lowest scum of the earth, no matter how much time passes.
|I will never get another chance at love. I will never get another chance to fall in love.
|I don't even see myself getting another chance to love this person so precious to me and before my very eyes.
|"Hey, Haruki-kun... I wonder what we should have done."
|Why did you end up getting involved with someone like me…?
|"Would it have been best if I hadn’t confessed?"
|That's right.
|You were always on the receiving end when it came to confessions. And you even said you’d rejected all of them up until now, didn’t you?
|Why couldn’t you have simply ignored me just like you ignored all of them?
|"Would it have been best if I had not participated in the school festival?"
|...That's right.
|Weren't you busy with your part-time job?<br>Didn't you say you disliked standing out?
|Why did you accept my outrageous, selfish scheme with a wry smile, then?
|"Would it have been best if I hadn’t met you… on the roof of that evening?"
|I wouldn’t have wanted that.
|The thought of never having chanced upon Setsuna, never learning of her true self, and spending my student life without her in the picture...
|"Yeah... I would really hate that too. Thank goodness, you’re not willing to let go of that, at least... Thank you, Haruki-kun."
|"...! Nngh..."
|The handful of passengers aboard the train look in our direction once again.
|We must be looking miserable and unsightly right now… but none of that matters given the sadness we’re feeling.
|"...It looks like... it's going to snow."
|My expression is twisted, much like the clouds in the sky that look as though they will finally begin to pour at any moment.
|"You think there’s a direct flight to Vienna? If not, where would her destination be?"
|And so...
|We’re finally here.
|"I'm sorry, I don't know which flight she will be on. Kazusa only told me when she’d be departing."
|Setsuna tightly grabs onto my numb hand and encourages my frozen legs to move as we run around the airport.
|In contrast, a few days ago when I came here, it was the opposite situation. I was here to greet her.
|And that day also happened to be the day where things between us started to crumble...
|"We'll just have to go around every gate for flights departing for Europe at 2 PM."
|"That’s enough, Setsuna..."
|"No! We have to meet her one more time!"
|Setsuna doesn't allow me to protest. She doesn't allow herself to do so either.
|Even after finding out the brutal truth, she leads me around, doing her utmost to find Kazusa.
|Not only to say goodbye to her, but to have the two of us meet one last time.
|"Gate 14, Gate 17... London...? No, that can't be it.<br>It should be somewhere around Germany or Italy..."
|"It's useless... It's almost time for her to board the flight. She might have gone through the gate already."
|I try everything I can to stop Setsuna from desperately trying to find Kazusa.
|"I told you we can't give up..."
|Because... I have a bad feeling about this.
|A feeling that I might end up finding Kazusa first... It’s a destructive feeling that’s stabbing into my heart right this moment.
|"I guess she's not here… \k
|Hey, let's try Gate 90 next."
|I want to get out of here right this instant.
|I want to dive back into my bed and avert my eyes from the reality that is to come after 2 PM today.
|Yet as Setsuna continues frantically searching for her,<br><br>I just can't shake the feeling that I'll make eye contact with her before Setsuna gets the chance to do so first.
|"This is a huge area, and we didn't even know which gate she’d be going through in the first place. This was impossible from the start."
|"Haruki-kun... don't give up now!"
|To give an example...
|It’s just like those times in class when I would look to the side and catch a girl who I was sure had been sleeping on her desk<br>suddenly turning away from me with a frown.
|"Hey, let's try looking over there, okay? I'm sure we'll find her this time."
|Thinking about it now...
|She was only able to look away so quickly because she’d been staring at me for the longest time...
|The moment I turned around, she looked away.
|She always finds me… She always finds me easily.
|But because she hates it when I notice, she always looks away immediately and acts aloof.
|”What's wrong? We've already searched that wa... Ah."
|Setsuna follows my gaze and arrives at the truth as well.
|She’s there—I caught a glimpse of her. She was heading to the boarding gate with an air of nonchalance.
|However, her pace has clearly halted.
|And the travel bag that she dropped remains on the floor, as she is too startled to pick it up.
|"Kazu... sa..."
|Just like last night, I make the fatal mistake of calling her by that name again.
|But right now, I can't think of anything else,<br>and I keep calling out her last name that I’ve become so used to while frantically running toward her.
|That's why I said we shouldn't do this. We shouldn't have tried looking for her.
|I've betrayed Setsuna once again. This time, it's the worst possible outcome, and all by my own doing.
|Even so, my legs, which had dashed toward her, show no signs of slowing down, whereas hers have stopped in their tracks.
|"Stop it... Haruki... Setsuna is... Setsuna is... Ah!?"
|Her eyes look at me, and then behind me.
|With an outpour of expressions containing tears and delight, pain and joy, all at the same time, she fixes her gaze on Setsuna and me.
|But I ignore her confusion, and I pour all my strength into embracing her desperately and forcefully.
|"Touma... Touma!"
|"Sorry... I'm so sorry, Setsuna!"
|"Mm... Mm... Ah..."
|This time, she does not bite my tongue. She only passionately entwines her tongue with mine.
|At last, it started falling.
|match to 1001/2}}
|The sky had been on the brink of breaking down ever since we arrived at the airport,<br><br>but in a moment’s obstinance, it allowed the cold wind to freeze its tears into ice.
|match to 1001/3}}
|The deafening roar of jet engines slowly fades away as it grows ever more distant.
|match to 1001/4}}
|And now, as if to drown out their noise, the scattering powder snow descending from the heavens grows ever more dense.
|match to 1001/5}}
|I look up at the sky overhead, searching for the source of the pure white snow.
|match to 1001/6}}
|No, that's just an excuse. In truth, it's my attempt to look away from the reality before my eyes.
|match to 1001/7}}
|...More specifically, it’s an attempt to completely avert my gaze from the airplane that's taking off at this very moment.
|match to 1001/8}}
|match to 1001/9}}
|At last, it started falling.
|match to 1001/10 and 3023/328}}
|It fell on the day we made our promise to always be together. The three of us.
|match to 1001/11 and 3023/329}}
|It fell when three became one, as two broke away.
|match to 1001/12 and 3023/330}}
|match to 1001/13}}
|match to 1001/14}}
|And it's falling today.
|match to 1001/15}}
|Falling on the day when two, separated, become a pair of ones.
|match to 1001/16 and 3023/331}}
|As if to cover up all the pain and sadness, the snow always seems to pile up at our lives' crossroads.
|match to 1001/17 and 2411/1189}}
|"Let's go back..."
|match to 1001/18}}
|match to 1001/19}}
|Kazusa is gone now. And only Setsuna and I remain.
|"Come on, let's go back... There's nothing left here anymore, you know?"
|match to 1001/21}}
|match to 1001/22}}
|Contrary to my response, my legs refuse to move an inch.
|match to 1001/23}}
|"Can we at least go back inside the airport? Even if only for some hot coffee?"
|match to 1001/24}}
|match to 1001/25}}
|Fixing my gaze toward the sky, I can't bring myself to turn around for the person calling out to me.
|match to 1001/26}}
|match to 1001/27}}
|match to 1001/28}}
|I can't even bring myself to apologize for being so callous to her.
|match to 1001/29}}
|match to 1001/30}}
|match to 1001/31}}
|I've already committed the most despicable act of betrayal against her, after all. It wouldn't be right not to see my despicable actions to their very end.
|match to 1001/32}}
|"Are you determined not to listen to anything I ask?"
|match to 1001/33}}
|"It's not like that..."
|match to 1001/34}}
|That's why I don't want her to direct her tender words at someone like me.
|match to 1001/35}}
|"If you're saying that you won't move from here..."
|match to 1001/36}}
|match to 1001/37}}
|"I'll do this. I'll keep doing it for as long as it takes... to make sure that you don't freeze."
|match to 1001/38}}
|match to 1001/39}}
|Against my back, I feel a gentle and warm sensation.
|match to 1001/40}}
|Two arms wrap around my chest in a tight and powerful embrace.
|match to 1001/41}}
|"If you don't want this... if you think this means betraying Kazusa, and if it’s just causing you to suffer more..."
|...And then, a burden crushes my heart.
|match to 1001/43}}
|"Then quickly, move. Shake me off."
|match to 1001/44}}
|The warmth spreading across my back makes me freeze in place.
|match to 1001/45}}
|"Hey, Haruki-kun."
|match to 1001/46}}
|The more genuine Setsuna is toward me, the more I feel like I'm being crushed under the weight of my sins.
|"If you stand here any longer..."
|match to 1001/48}}
|For even now, she has remained this kind to me... enduring everything, pushing herself to the limit, and still forgiving everything I've done... Holding back all of her own unease deep down inside, just for my sake...
|match to 1001/49}}
|"...I'll get the wrong idea, you know?"
|match to 1001/50}}
|And yet...
|match to 1001/51}}
|"I'll end up making the worst possible assumption—that, overwhelmed by sadness, you’ll come to accept me, you know that?"
|match to 1001/52}}
|Even at this very moment... I can't deny the truth that Kazusa is the only thing on my mind right now.
|match to 1001/54}}
|At last, it started falling.
|match to 1001/55 and 1001/1 and 1013/251 and 1013/259}}
|Even on the day when I lose that which is most precious to me, sure enough, these white flakes have appeared before me once again.
|match to 1001/56}}
|The snow will cover up all of it.
|match to 1001/57 and 3909/186}}
|It will cover up the pain, the sadness... and the truth that I do not want to face.
|match to 1001/58}}
|A white world abundant only in beauty expands before our eyes, leaving us there in its wake.
|match to 1001/59 and 3909/188}}
|match to 1001/60}}
|But at the end of the day... snow is all that it is.
|match to 1001/61 and 3909/190}}
|Once it melts, all of the hidden truths and forgotten emotions it had been hiding will once again be brought into daylight for all to see.
|match to 1001/62}}
|Dark and filthy, like mud trampled on over and over.
|match to 1001/63}}
|"This next song... will be our last one."
|Auto-scroll starts here, match to 1008_030/126 and 2402/939}}
|"This song is... I'm pretty sure that most of you here are unfamiliar with it..." [w360]
|match to 1008_030/129 and 2402/943}}
|"...Oh, what am I saying, there’s no way any of you will recognize it. This is an original song that we only just completed yesterday."[w420]
|match to 1008_030/132 and 2402/946}}
|"We’ve only had a single day to practice it,<br>so I don't know if it'll go well, but..."[w420]
|match to 1008_030/135 and 2402/949}}
|"I'll sing and enjoy it from the bottom of my heart and up until the very end. Please lend me your ears, everyone."[w420]
|match to 1008_030/138 and 2402/952}}
|"Its title is...[w300] Todokanai Koi."[w300]
|match to 2402/955}}

Latest revision as of 00:53, 29 December 2021

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