Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2031"

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Line 27: Line 27:
|It's hosted by the mini FM station along with the broadcasting club from within the university, <br>it's a plan call 'Houjou broadcast", <br>a music event that only allow Houjou university student to attend to.
|It's hosted by the mini FM station along with the broadcasting club from within the university, <br>it's a plan call 'Houjou broadcast", <br>a music event that only Houjou university students are allowed to attend.
Line 33: Line 33:
|Among the plan made by the same club, <br>along with the event call Summer Live during the first day of summer break, <br>it's being called as the two-biggest events.
|Among the plans made by the same club, <br>along with the event call Summer Live during the first day of summer break, <br>it's being called as the two-biggest events.
Line 39: Line 39:
|In oppose to the rock genre focus during Summer Live, <br>this focus more on solo and acoustic bands performance, <br>songs tend to lean toward ballad-like with a quiet theme.
|As opposed to the focus on rock genre during Summer Live, <br>this focus more on solo and acoustic bands performance, <br>songs tend to lean toward ballad-like with a quiet theme.

Revision as of 18:33, 7 February 2017

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