Difference between revisions of "White Album 2/Script/2308"

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Line 16: Line 16:
== Text ==
== Text ==
Line 27: Line 28:
|2|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|2|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"I'm sorry. Seems like she’s not feeling well."
|"I'm sorry. Seems like she’s not feeling well today either."
Line 39: Line 40:
|4|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|4|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"Do you want to tell her anything? I can pass the message."
|"Would you like me to pass on a message?"
Line 45: Line 46:
|"Ah, it's okay... I think yesterday the homeroom teacher and class rep already came, so..."
|"Ah, no, thank you… I believe the homeroom teacher and the class rep did come visit yesterday, so…”
Line 51: Line 52:
|6|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|6|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"Yeah, it was about graduation, right...? We talked about that too, but... I’m not sure whether she can attend next week..."
|"Yeah, it was about her graduation, right...? We talked about that too, but... I’m not sure whether she can attend next week..."
Line 63: Line 64:
|8|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|8|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"Say, Sugiura-san. I wonder, will Mihoko really be unable to graduate? She already went through so much trouble to get a recommendation..."
|"Say, Sugiura-san, will Mihoko really be unable to graduate? And to think that she’s already acquired a recommendation for the university..."
Line 69: Line 70:
|"Ah, no, I think that’s unlikely... Mihoko’s grades are good. On top of that it's a private college, so they might have some flexibility."
|"Ah, no, I don’t think that will be the case… Mihoko has good grades and she’s aiming for a private university, after all, so I imagine there’ll be room to accommodate her.
Line 75: Line 76:
|10|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|10|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"I hope so... Yesterday, the homeroom teacher made it look like it’s hard for her to graduate..."
|"I hope so... The homeroom teacher said it might be quite difficult for her yesterday..."
Line 81: Line 82:
|"...Suwa-sensei always exaggerates things. I'm sure she'll make it."
|"...Suwa-sensei always exaggerates things. I'm sure everything will be alright."
Line 87: Line 88:
|12|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|12|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|「そう? ありがとう。<br>本当にいつもいつも美穂子が世話になって。<br>私も、杉浦さんにはとても感謝してるのよ」
|「そう? ありがとう。<br>本当にいつもいつも美穂子が世話になって。<br>私も、杉浦さんにはとても感謝してるのよ」
|"Really? Thank you, that’s a relief. You always look after Mihoko. I’m really grateful to you, Sugiura-san."
|"Really? Thank you so much for looking out for Mihoko all the time. I’m really grateful to you, Sugiura-san."
Line 93: Line 94:
Line 99: Line 100:
|14|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|14|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"Please keep getting along with Mihoko, okay? Did you know she chose the literature department because of you? Well, that's actually a secret though."
|"I hope you’ll continue getting along with Mihoko from now on, okay? She chose to sign up for the Literature Department because she wanted to stay with you, you know? It was supposed to be a secret, though."
Line 105: Line 106:
|"Ye...yes...! We'll always, always... together."
|"Y-Yes...! We'll always, always... be together."
Line 111: Line 112:
|16|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|16|美穂子の母|Mihoko's Mother
|"Thank you... and see you again."
|"Thank you... Goodbye, then."
Line 117: Line 118:
Line 129: Line 130:
|"...! Fuu… haah..."
Line 135: Line 136:
|"...I must go, to work..."
|"...I have to go to work..."
Line 153: Line 154:
|I feel sorry for calling out to Sugiura in her current state...
|Looking at Sugiura's mental state, I felt sorry for greeting her...
Line 159: Line 160:
|But she didn’t notice me at all despite how I’ve been within her line of sight for a while.
|However, even though I was in her line of sight the whole time, she didn't notice me.
Line 171: Line 172:
|"Ummm... I heard it from Takahiro-kun."
|"Umm... I heard from Takahiro-kun."
Line 177: Line 178:
|"Wow... You really get along with her entire family.."
|"Oh…? So you really do get along with the entire family, huh?”
Line 189: Line 190:
|"I'm sorry... I said something I shouldn’t have."
|"I'm sorry... I just said something I shouldn’t have."
Line 195: Line 196:
|She immediately corrected herself. Still, it wasn’t normal for her to say something filled with malice.
|Despite having immediately corrected herself, Sugiura’s words were undeniably and uncharacteristically spiteful.
Line 201: Line 202:
|Perhaps she’s confused about how to proceed with our conversation due to my completely unexpected appearance here.
|Maybe because of my unexpected appearance here, she has forgotten how usually approached me.
Line 207: Line 208:
|"Yada-san hasn't come to school ever since New Year’s. Even though she’s already been accepted to university, her graduation’s still unclear."
|"I heard about how Yada-san hasn't come to school ever since New Year’s. As well as how her prospects for graduation are rather unclear despite how she’s already been accepted to the university."
Line 213: Line 214:
|"You got Mihoko’s address from Ogiso as well...?"
|"So Ogiso also gave you Mihoko’s address...?"
Line 219: Line 220:
|"No. Back when I was a teacher at the cram school, I walked her home twice or thrice... Because it ended up being late after I answered all her questions."
|"No. I’ve walked her home two or three times back<br>when I was still teaching her at her prep school.<br><br>...I was answering a lot of her questions to the point where it was quite late in the evening.
Line 225: Line 226:
|"Twice, or thrice..."
|"Two or three times..."
Line 231: Line 232:
|Yada-san would sometimes even have trouble with questions that should not be beyond her comprehension.
|I’ve particularly had to deal with instances where Yada-san would occasionally ask me questions<br><br>that she should have been able to answer on her own given her level of comprehension.
Line 237: Line 238:
|Now that I think about it, that’s because...
|Though now that I think about it, that was probably because she...
Line 249: Line 250:
|"What do you mean?"
|"Understand what?"
Line 255: Line 256:
|"The reason why you came late last week. The reason why you were dispirited... And the reason why you still came to work.."
|"This is the reason why you came late last week.<br>The reason why you've been feeling so down... And the<br>reason why you still came to work despite that."
Line 267: Line 268:
|"It was because you came here in the morning... and she drove you away, which caused you to be late, right?
|"It was because you came here in the morning... and she didn’t even answer the doorbell, which caused you to be late, right?
Line 273: Line 274:
|Furthermore, this is the residential district that’s precisely opposite of the station that’s near Goodies...
|This place also happens to be in the exact opposite direction from Goodies, with the station situated in between.
Line 279: Line 280:
|She wanted to just stop by before going to work, but no matter how long she waited, Yada-san refused to come out from her room.
|So Sugiura must’ve wanted to pay her a short visit before work, but in the end,<br><br>Yada-san refused to come out of her room no matter how long she waited...
Line 285: Line 286:
|"Correct... was what I would’ve said myself, but only half of it is true."
|"Correct... was what I would’ve said, but only half of what you’ve said is true."
Line 291: Line 292:
|「あ、あれ? なんで…」
|「あ、あれ? なんで…」
|"W-What? Why...?"
|"H-Huh? Why...?"
Line 297: Line 298:
|"Last week, she let me into her room. I was even able to talk to her."
|"She let me into her room last week. I was even able to talk to her."
Line 309: Line 310:
|"But, that only made things worse. Because of my stubbornness."
|”But I only ended up making things worse, because I was too stubborn.
Line 315: Line 316:
|My theory which I had spent an entire night perfecting was off from the very beginning.
|I had spent the entire night coming up with a theory I thought was near perfect, but in the end, not even my first assumption was correct.
Line 321: Line 322:
|"...Let’s get to work. If we don’t hurry we might not make it before opening time."
|"...Let’s go to work. If we don’t hurry, we might not make it before opening time."
Line 333: Line 334:
|In the end, both of us were late by 10 minutes, which made Satou and the others suspect us even more.
|In the end, we arrived ten minutes late together, which made Satou and the others suspect us even more.
Line 339: Line 340:
|"Like I said, I didn't mean it that way. It was all for me to earn enough to pay for the graduation trip expenses. I'm telling you the truth, okay?"
|"Like I said, I didn't have any intentions like that. It was only so I could earn enough to pay for the graduation trip expenses. I'm telling you the truth, okay?"
Line 351: Line 352:
|"And it was pure coincidence that Kitahara-senpai was there. He just happened to be working there. That was why he was appointed to be my trainer."
|"And it was pure coincidence that Kitahara-senpai was there. He just happened to be working there. That’s how he ended up as my trainer.
Line 363: Line 364:
|"....Do you not believe me?"
|"...You don’t believe me?"
Line 369: Line 370:
|"...Keep going."
|"...Go on."
Line 387: Line 388:
|"That day...was supposed to be a day off for Senpai. Truth is, he was apparently not going to show up at the restaurant for the next while, so our ties should have been severed."
|"You see… Senpai was supposed to have the day off that day. The truth is, he wasn’t supposed to show up at the restaurant for a while,<br>and I thought that our ties would have faded away from there.
Line 405: Line 406:
|"...And I wasn’t the sort to just leave him alone. You know that right, Mihoko?"
|"...And you know that I couldn’t have just left him alone like that, right, Mihoko?
Line 411: Line 412:
|"It was the same situation as when you became friends with me."
|"I remember a similar situation between us when we first became friends."
Line 417: Line 418:
|"Ahh~ that time! If I'm not wrong, it was when our class had to split into groups and you..."
|"Aa-ah! I remember that! I believe it was when our class had to split into groups and you..."
Line 423: Line 424:
|"...That's enough of that. Let me hear the rest."
|"...That's enough of that. I’d like to hear the rest of your explanation.
Line 429: Line 430:
|"...Okay. Then, he ran away all of a sudden, so I panicked and chased after him while still in my uniform, all the way to in front of the station."
|"...Right. Well, he ran away all of a sudden, so I panicked and chased after him while still in my uniform, all the way to the front of the station."
Line 435: Line 436:
|"At first, I didn't believe my eyes that it was you there, Koharu-chan. But the face, the physique, and the hair couldn’t be mistaken."
|"At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes that it was you there, Koharu-chan. But the face, the physique, and the hair all matched you."
Line 441: Line 442:
|"Ahaha... there's no one who would be in front of the station in those kind of clothes on winter's night after all. It still makes me embarrassed whenever I think about it."
|"Ahaha... Who’d spend a winter night by the station dressed like that? It still makes me embarrassed whenever I remember it."
Line 447: Line 448:
|"But I knew it from the way you run. You ran in the same way during PE and tennis club, which was just like how an antelope jumped—it was so fast, and yet so beautiful."
|"But I knew it from the way you ran. You ran in the same way you did during PE and while you were in the tennis club,<br>as if you were a leaping antelope—so fast, and yet so elegant."
Line 459: Line 460:
|"And then, you brazenly caught up with Sensei and sat beside him, just as anyone would expect you to, Koharu-chan..."
|"And then you caught up to Sensei and sat next to him so boldly, which was very much like you, Koharu-chan…”
Line 465: Line 466:
|"L-Like I said, we were just talking a bit! Since you were watching, shouldn’t you understand?"
|"L-Like I said, we were just talking for a little bit back then! Since you were watching, shouldn’t you understand?"
Line 471: Line 472:
|"Yeah... After you hung up with me, you parted with Sensei, and immediately disappeared into the station."
|"Yeah... After hanging up with me, you parted with Sensei and immediately disappeared into the station."
Line 483: Line 484:
|"...Then why did you lie? You said you were still at work, and that you still had work left to do."
|"...Then why did you lie? You said you were still at work and that you had to get back to work."
|match to 2301/341 and 345}}
|"...Sorry. For just that, I have no excuse."
|"...Sorry. Any answer to that would just be an excuse."
Line 501: Line 502:
|"Yeah, I... lied to you. I hurt you... I do admit that."
|"Yeah, I... lied to you, Mihoko. I hurt you... I do admit that."
Line 507: Line 508:
|"So you do admit it… You admit that you lied to me.”
|"So you admitted them... your lies."
Line 513: Line 514:
|"Because, I think admitting my lies is important for our future... Still, it’s not something a liar should say."
|"That’s because I think what we’re going to do from now on is more important. Still, it’s not something a liar should say."
Line 519: Line 520:
|"For our future...?"
|"What we’re going to do from now on...?"
Line 525: Line 526:
|"I’ll atone for what I’ve done. I'll do everything I can to be forgiven. Because I’d definitely hate it if our relationship were to be ruined."
|"I’ll make it up to you. I'll do everything I can to make you forgive me. Because I’d definitely hate it if our friendship was ruined over this."
Line 537: Line 538:
|"We are going to graduate soon. And we will attend the same university... We’re really close, I’ll be really sad if our friendship breaks here."
|"We are going to graduate soon and attend the same university after that... We’re really close friends, I’ll be really sad if our friendship breaks here."
Line 549: Line 550:
|"How about it, Mihoko? Don’t you feel the same way?"
|"What about you, Mihoko? Do you not feel the same way anymore?"
Line 555: Line 556:
Line 567: Line 568:
|"That... that's..."
|"That’s... That's..."
Line 591: Line 592:
|"That's why I want to believe you, I really want to! That we won't lie to each other again, how about we swear on it..."
|"That's why I want to believe you, I really want to! It would make me so happy if we could swear to never lie to each other again..."
Line 597: Line 598:
|"Yeah, I swear. That's why, Mihoko..."
|"Yeah, let’s swear on it. That's why, Mihoko..."
Line 615: Line 616:
|"You knew why Sensei was feeling down, right? True be told, Koharu-chan, it involves you, doesn't it?"
|"You knew why Sensei was feeling down, right?<br>The truth is, you have something to do with<br>it, right, Koharu-chan?
Line 627: Line 628:
|"You sure do know a lot about him, don't you? A lot about Sensei's secrets, a lot about things that have nothing to do with me..."
|"You’ve come to discover a lot of things that have nothing to do with me—about Sensei’s secrets, haven’t you?”
Line 639: Line 640:
|"Because Koharu-chan, you’re a good listener... That part of you is completely different from me."
|"After all, you’re very good at listening to people, Koharu-chan. ...I’m nothing like you at all in that regard.
Line 645: Line 646:
|"That's, umm..."
|"That's... umm..."
Line 651: Line 652:
|"Hey, if we are best friends... then tell me everything. What you talked about with Sensei—everything."
|"Hey, if we are best friends... then tell me everything. Tell me everything you talked about with Sensei.
Line 663: Line 664:
|"What kind of person is Sensei? What does he think about? What kind of dream does he have?"
|"What kind of person is he? What does he think about? What dreams does he have?"
Line 675: Line 676:
|「家族は? 昔はどんな子だった?<br>子供の頃の写真とか見せてもらったことある?」
|「家族は? 昔はどんな子だった?<br>子供の頃の写真とか見せてもらったことある?」
|"What about his family? What kind of person was he before? Have you ever seen his childhood photos?"
|"What about his family? What was he like as a child? Have you ever seen his childhood photos?"
Line 693: Line 694:
|"At Christmas night... What troubled Sensei? What kind of story did he tell you?"
|"On Christmas night... what was Sensei bothered about? What kind of story did he tell you?"
Line 717: Line 718:
Line 741: Line 742:
|"I can’t say that. There’s no way I can."
|"I can’t tell you that. There’s no way I can."
Line 747: Line 748:
|W-Why...? Koharu-chan, didn’t you say that you’ll repay me, and you’ll do whatever you can..."
|”W-Why...? But you said you would make it up to me, Koharu-chan. You said you’d do anything you can…”
Line 753: Line 754:
|"I see... This is what it means to be honest to everyone. I guess I still have a long way to go."
|"I see... This is what it takes to be honest to absolutely everyone. I guess I still have a long way to go."
Line 765: Line 766:
|"Look, Mihoko... I don’t want to lie to anyone anymore. I can’t lie to anyone anymore."
|"Hey, Mihoko... I don’t want to lie to anyone anymore. I can’t lie to anyone anymore."
Line 777: Line 778:
|"And then, other than you, there’s also someone else I don’t want to hurt any longer."
|"And there is someone other than you, Mihoko, who I don’t want to hurt anymore."
Line 801: Line 802:
|"I said I won't tell you... right?"
|"I said I can't tell you... right?"
Line 813: Line 814:
|"This is not a lie. I’m just not telling you. In order to not lie, I have no choice but to do so."
|"This is not a lie. I’m just not telling you. If I’m not allowed to lie, that’s all I can do."
Line 819: Line 820:
|"Koharu... cha..."
Line 825: Line 826:
|"...That's enough for today. Anymore than this is impossible. Let's meet again when we both have calmed down, okay?"
|"...That's enough for today. Any more than this is impossible. Let's meet again when we both have calmed down, okay?"
|match to 245}}
Line 832: Line 833:
|"Uuu... uuu..."
|"Uuu... uuu..."
|match to 246}}
Line 838: Line 839:
|"I'll go back home for today. If possible, go to school next... Sorry. That's not what I should say right now. See you."
|"I'll go back home for today. If possible, go to school next... Sorry. That's not what I should say right now. See you."
|match to 247}}
Line 844: Line 845:
|match to 248}}
Line 850: Line 851:
|"That’s not true."
|"That’s not true."
|match to 249}}
Line 856: Line 857:
|"Koharu-chan, you liar!"
|"Koharu-chan, you liar!"
|match to 250}}
Line 862: Line 863:
|"From now on, I will not lie anymore."
|"From now on, I will not lie anymore."
|match to 251}}
Line 868: Line 869:
|"Then why...!?"
|"Then why...!?"
|match to 252}}
Line 903: Line 904:
|While working today, I felt that only my hands were moving. What have I even done all day?.
|While working today, I felt that only my hands were moving. I honestly can’t remember what I’ve done.
Line 909: Line 910:
|Just for this moment... I’ve been waiting all night while killing time with the boredom of work until I was able to talk with Sugiura alone.
|Just for this moment... I’ve been waiting all day while killing time with the tedium of work until evening came, when I was able to talk with Sugiura alone.
Line 915: Line 916:
|"We had a big fight... I think this was the first time between us."
|"We had a big fight... I think this was the first time things got this bad between us."
Line 921: Line 922:
|In Sugiura's story, the essential parts were obscured, but...
|Sugiura has been quite vague about the important details of her situation...
Line 927: Line 928:
|Even so, I was able to clearly feel the damage it caused to her.
|But her heart is hurting so much that I could actually feel the pain directly affecting me as well.
Line 933: Line 934:
|"After I left Mihoko's house, my mind went blank, and it was too late to contact the restaurant. And then, I even messed up my excuse."
|"After I left Mihoko's house, my mind went blank, and it was too late to contact the restaurant. And then I even messed up my excuse."
Line 939: Line 940:
|...So much that it could be explained as the route of all her strange behavior last week.
|...I’d even believe that it was the reason why she’s been acting so strangely last week.
Line 945: Line 946:
|"I really screwed up... even though it was not supposed to happen this way."
|"I really screwed up... Things were not supposed to turn out this way."
Line 951: Line 952:
|She wasn’t physically unwell—she was emotionally hurt.
|Her body was fine. But her heart wasn’t.
Line 957: Line 958:
|...I was careless. Even though just recently, I’ve been through the exact same thing.
|...How careless of me. Those were the very same symptoms I was suffering from not too long ago.
Line 981: Line 982:
|"Before, when we were talking about Yada-san, do you remember what you said?"
|"Do you remember what you said when we were talking about Yada-san before?
Line 987: Line 988:
Line 993: Line 994:
|"Don’t interfere, this is a problem between Mihoko and I. Rest assured that the two of us will resolve the issue."
|"No, this is a problem between Mihoko and me. We’ll make sure to keep it between the two of us and resolve it, so please don’t worry.
|match to 2301/219}}
|"That still hasn’t changed, even now?"
|"Do you still feel that way?"
Line 1,005: Line 1,006:
|"I do."
Line 1,023: Line 1,024:
|"Did you know that… I’ve become way more meddlesome now compared to the end of last year?”
|"The present me... If you compare it with the me from last year, I have become more of a busybody, right?
Line 1,035: Line 1,036:
|"That too, was thanks to you, Sugiura. I was able to regain my footing because of you"
|"I have you to thank for that too, Sugiura. I was able to regain my footing because of you."
Line 1,041: Line 1,042:
|"I guess I’ll have to accept your gratitude... I'm quite happy as well."
|"Much obliged, then. ...I will say that it makes me quite happy.
Line 1,047: Line 1,048:
|She possesses a strong will that I can’t ever hope to match...
|I wish I had her unyielding spirit...
|And she’s only continuing to develop in her own straightforward way, yet to be discouraged by the taste of failure.
|A spirit unknown to setbacks, and could only advance straight ahead.
Line 1,059: Line 1,060:
|"Anyway... If you continue to make such a pained face, I might have to personally talk to Yada-san."
|"That’s why… if you keep that sour face up, Sugiura, I may have to go talk to Yada-san myself.
Line 1,065: Line 1,066:
|"...It'll only have an opposite effect if you do that."
|"...It'll only have the opposite effect if you do that."
Line 1,071: Line 1,072:
|"I'm sorry, Sugiura... Because you tried to help me, your relationship with her has ended up like that..
|"I'm sorry, Sugiura... For your relationship with her to have turned out this way because you wanted to help me…”
Line 1,077: Line 1,078:
|"That's... No... I just..."
|"That’s not true. I just..."
Line 1,083: Line 1,084:
|"Even so, Sugiura, back then I needed you. I couldn’t stand the thought of not having you by my side."
|"Even so, I needed you back then, Sugiura. I couldn’t stand the thought of not having you by my side."
Line 1,089: Line 1,090:
|"A... aha, ahaha..."
|"A...Aha, ahaha..."
Line 1,095: Line 1,096:
|Even though such heartbreaking things happened to her...
|Even though Sugiura’s harboring something so sorrowful...
Line 1,101: Line 1,102:
|The moment she saw the pathetic side of me, as well as the proof of her own nobility, Sugiura smiled happily.
|Still, upon seeing my pitiful face, Sugiura smiled happily as if gloating about her superior position that she attained.
Line 1,107: Line 1,108:
|"I might be a hopeless person, and even a nuisance, but I’m really grateful to you. I’m the one who needs to repay you."
|"I might be a hopeless person, and even a real nuisance, but I’m really grateful to you. I’m the one who needs to repay you."
Line 1,113: Line 1,114:
|"You're not in the wrong... Senpai. Really, I really mean it... because I..."
|"You're… not in the wrong, Senpai. Really, I really mean it... because I..."
Line 1,125: Line 1,126:
|"There’ve been many chances for us to make up... and yet, I did such an outrageous thing to her..."
|"There have been many chances for us to make up... and yet, I did such a terrible thing to her..."
Line 1,137: Line 1,138:
Line 1,143: Line 1,144:
|"Ah... No... forget what I said."
|"Ah... No... that was."
Line 1,149: Line 1,150:
|Damn it...
Line 1,155: Line 1,156:
|It was me who did something outrageous.
|I’m the one who’s done something terrible.
Line 1,167: Line 1,168:
|She hasn’t forgiven me, and I haven’t even attempted to gain her approval.
|Even though she has not forgiven it. Even though she has barely even accepted it.
Line 1,185: Line 1,186:
|However, if I were to back off here, it’d only make things worse.
|But if I were to take a step back now, it’d make me even more despicable than I already am...
Line 1,209: Line 1,210:
|"Let's do our best in working together, Koharu."
|"Let's do our best at work, Koharu."
Line 1,221: Line 1,222:
|"Even after graduation, and comes spring... Even after we become actual senior and junior..."
|"I mean that, even after you graduate and spring arrives… Even after we truly become senior and junior in university…”
Line 1,227: Line 1,228:
|The current Sugiura... The current Koharu, is the same as I was during the end of the year.
|Right now, Sugiura… Koharu is just like how I was at the end of last year.
Line 1,233: Line 1,234:
|So I know exactly how to handle her. The girl in front of me has done her best to teach me how.
|That’s why I know exactly how to heal her. The girl in front of me has devoted herself to teach me how.
Line 1,239: Line 1,240:
|"So, you can rely on me whenever you want. If you want to talk, you can always call me up whenever you feel like it."
|"So you can rely on me whenever you need to. If you want to talk, you can call me any time, whenever you feel like it."
Line 1,245: Line 1,246:
|It's simple... I can just do what Koharu did for me back in winter break.
|It's simple... I can just do what Koharu did for me back during winter break.
Line 1,251: Line 1,252:
|"However, I will stay quiet until then."
|"However, I won't intervene until you tell me to."
|referenced in 2310/196}}
Line 1,263: Line 1,264:
|"...You were not avoiding me?"
|"...Have you not been trying to avoid me?"
Line 1,281: Line 1,282:
|Of course I was. Who wouldn’t?
|Of course I was trying to avoid you. Why wouldn’t I?
Line 1,287: Line 1,288:
|That’s because I was afraid of this very turn of events...
|It’s because I was afraid that things would come to this...
Line 1,293: Line 1,294:
|"I'll say this just in case: Basically, I’m just like you."
|"I'll have you know that deep down I’m actually just like you, Koharu.
Line 1,299: Line 1,300:
|"Senpai... Haruki Senpai."
|"Senpai... Haruki-senpai."
Line 1,305: Line 1,306:
|"I may have said that, but who knows when I’ll suddenly start to interfere?"
|"I know I said I wouldn’t, but I might end up meddling with this anyway, you know?
Line 1,311: Line 1,312:
|"Y-Yeah… Alright!"
Line 1,317: Line 1,318:
|"As your senior from the same department, as your school's alumnus, and as your senior in the same workplace, I will use any opportunity to..."
|"As your senior from the same department, as your school's alumnus, and as your senior in the same workplace, I will use any opportunity to do so..."
Line 1,323: Line 1,324:
|"By that you mean... even after April we will still come to work together? You'll stay by my side?"
|"By that, you mean... even after April, we’ll still work together? You'll stay by my side?"
Line 1,335: Line 1,336:
|「絶対に? 誓って?<br>何があっても撤回したりしない?」
|「絶対に? 誓って?<br>何があっても撤回したりしない?」
|"Absolutely? You really mean it? You won't withdraw whatever happened?"
|"You really mean it? You swear you will? You won’t take that back no matter what happens?
Line 1,347: Line 1,348:
|"Prove it to me using your actions..."
|"Prove it to me with your actions..."
Line 1,365: Line 1,366:
|"...Please pat my head."
|"...Please pat me on my head."
Line 1,377: Line 1,378:
|I thought my heart just got brutally carved out when I heard that… but I suddenly felt relieved the next moment.
|It was too much for my heart to handle and it didn’t stop beating... till I heard those words.
Line 1,383: Line 1,384:
|"Because I'm a good girl... Because I've been a good girl, I’ve always done my best up until now. "
|"Because I'm a good girl... Because I've been a good girl who’s only been doing her best up until now."
Line 1,389: Line 1,390:
|Because it is that Koharu who has been acting all grown up...
|Because this is Koharu I’m talking about here.
Line 1,395: Line 1,396:
|That same Koharu who—up until last year, at the very least—hasn’t shown any of her weaknesses to others.
|Koharu, who’s always acted far too maturely for her age, and who hasn’t shown any of her weaknesses to others, at least up until last year.
Line 1,401: Line 1,402:
|"That's why... please pat my head, while saying I’m a good girl."
|"That's why I want you to pat my head and tell me I’ve been a good girl… please.
Line 1,407: Line 1,408:
Line 1,419: Line 1,420:
|As I pat Koharu’s head, I grip her hair as if I’m trying to pin her down.
|I tightly clutch Koharu’s head in a way that makes me look like I’m pinning her down, combing my fingers through her hair.
Line 1,425: Line 1,426:
|I know full well that this is far too rough to be called patting.
|It is way too rough a gesture for me to say "good girl, good girl", and I know that.
Line 1,431: Line 1,432:
|But I can’t do it properly in a rational state of mind. I can’t do it unless I pour all my feelings into it.
|I wasn’t able to do it naturally. I couldn’t help being emotional.
Line 1,437: Line 1,438:
|"Koharu... umm... you..."
|"Koharu... you… little…!"
Line 1,443: Line 1,444:
|"Se... Senpai... I, I..."
|"Se...Senpai... I... I…!"
Line 1,449: Line 1,450:
|Even though her hair has become messy, she looks genuinely happy as she closed her eyes.
|Even as I’m making a real mess out of her hair, she looks genuinely happy as she closes her eyes.
Line 1,455: Line 1,456:
|"I, right now... am in the weakest state ever since I was born."
|"Right now, I... may be in the weakest state ever<br>since I was born."
Line 1,467: Line 1,468:
|"Just several days ago, I told a lifetime’s worth of lies, and yet... I feel so happy..."
|"Just these past few days, I’ve told a lifetime’s worth of lies, and yet to think... I feel so happy now..."
Line 1,473: Line 1,474:
Line 1,479: Line 1,480:
|"Something like this… won’t go unpunished…”
|"I really... deserve a punishment for this..."
Line 1,485: Line 1,486:
|"...That's enough for today. Anymore than this is impossible. Let's meet again when we both have calmed down, okay?"
|"...That's enough for today. Any more than this is impossible. Let's meet again when we both have calmed down, okay?"
|match to 135}}
Line 1,492: Line 1,493:
|"Uuu... uuu..."
|"Uuu... uuu..."
|match to 136}}
|"I'll go back home for today. If possible, go to school next... Sorry. That's not what I should say now, right? See you."
|"I'll go back home for today. If possible, go to school next... Sorry. That's not what I should say right now. See you."
|match to 137}}
Line 1,504: Line 1,505:
|match to 138}}
|"I'm not."
|"That’s not true."
|match to 139}}
|"You liar, Koharu-chan!"
|"Koharu-chan, you liar!"
|match to 140}}
|"I won't lie from now onwards."
|"From now on, I will not lie anymore."
|match to 141}}
Line 1,528: Line 1,529:
|"Then why...!?"
|"Then why...!?"
|match to 142}}
|"During winter break, you didn’t even call me once! Why did you leave me alone!?"
|"Why did you not call me even once during winter break!? Why did you abandon me!?"
Line 1,539: Line 1,540:
Line 1,545: Line 1,546:
|"You said you'll call me... You said you will call me when you reached home, didn’t you!? Even though I had been waiting for you! The next day, the day after, and even on New Year’s!"
|"You said you would call me... You said you will call me when you get home, didn’t you!? And even though I had been waiting for you all that time!<br>The next day, the day after, and even on New Year’s!"
Line 1,551: Line 1,552:
Line 1,557: Line 1,558:
|"Even though... Even though you had so much time to be together with Sensei, you didn’t even have the time to give me a call?! You left me aside and had your sweet time with him, right!?"
|"You… you had so much time to be together with Sensei, yet you didn’t even have enough time to give me a call!? You just ignored me and spent all your time with him, didn’t you!?"

Latest revision as of 22:27, 19 December 2021

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