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== Editing ==
== Editing ==
== Translation Notes ==
== Translation Notes ==
'''Important:''' I do not know how to extract the original text from the game (ITH and AGTH don't seem to work), and if I tried to type Japanese, it will take 5x as long, so until I figure something out, I plan to just type the English translation. If you know how to do text extraction, please go ahead and fill Japanese side of the table out.
Translation complete for this chapter (Review needed). Happy New Year!
== Text ==
== Text ==
|December’s arrived.
|December came.
|As the trees have lost all their leaves, and a large tree for a special day has been placed in front of the station, the entire city has begun to assert the season called winter.
|The roadside trees have lost their leaves, and instead, a large evergreen tree has been propped up in front of the station for the upcoming holiday. Both are telltale signs of the approaching winter season.
|The school festival, which was the final light of our school life, has ended, and it's that time of the year when the seniors have to give our all to the remaining four months.
|The school festival, the final bright event in our school life, has ended. All that we third-years can do now is to think back fondly on it in the following four months of our gray lives.
|Of course, because this is a university-affiliated high school whether you would call that an advantage of a disadvantage, a fair number of students already have their path decided, so the mood here tends to be brighter than that of average students around our age.
|However, since our school is tied to a university, most students have their paths ahead already decided for them,<br>leaving less than half of them to lead truly gray lives.
|If we exclude those who are enthusiastically courted by many universities, those who are advancing straight to the Houjou university, and those who are going right to the workforce, there are fewer than 10 students remaining.
|This includes the ones who decided on other universities, be it because they’re overachievers or underachievers,<br>and the ones who have decided to go into employment. Take them away, and the leftover number of students would be in the triple digits.
|The story I'm about to begin telling is that of someone who belongs to that small group - the days of filled with hopeless battles....
|We ourselves belong to the minority, and we’ve been spending our days with fierce yet seemingly hopeless battles...
|"Don't fall asleep. You haven't even solved a single problem yet."
|"Hey, no sleeping! You haven't even solved a single problem yet."
|"Ouch... You hit a girl's head. This is a sexism that has reversed the time."
|"Ouch... Hitting a girl's head, seriously? How behind the times can you be, you stupid baby boomer?"
|"At least pretend like you're thinking"
|"At least try to pretend you're thinking about it."
|"This Kotatsu is to blame. It takes away your entire ability to think critically all the way from your feet...."
|"This kotatsu is to blame. It has the power to take away anyone’s ability to think straight from the feet up..."
|"Okay. Let's review from the beginning then... What is the subject you're trying to study right now?"
|"Fine, let's review from the beginning, then...<br>What's the name of the subject you're trying to study right now?"
|As I was saying, the days of hopeless battles.... mostly from the teaching side.
|Quite literally, days filled with hopeless battles... primarily on the teacher's part.
|Once again, December came.
|Once again... December’s arrived.
|And as announced far in advance, the finals will be starting tomorrow, marking a slightly unpleasant increase in business in our final days at school.
|The final exams are tomorrow, and our remaining school life is taking a turn toward blight.
|"Geography. It's boring."
|"Geography, and it's boring."
|"Then why did you pick this?"
|"Then why did you pick this?"
|"Compared to history, I thought there would be less things to memorize.... at the end, I didn't memorize anything, so it didn't matter anyway."
|"I thought I'd have fewer parts to memorize compared to history, at least.<br><br>...Though in the end, I haven't really memorized anything, so there's really no difference."
|"I don't want to be telling you this, but that was the correct choice. Do you understand? You definitely need to pass this on the main exam, so that you're not spending even more time on this for the retake."
|"...I hate to say this, but you've made the right choice in that regard. Look, you definitely need to pass this one on the finals so that you can save your energy for studying other subjects for the remedial exams."
|"Why do we need to think about the retake even before the main exam..."
|"Already talking about the remedial exams even before the final exams themselves, huh...?"
|"There is no time for you to cover all the subjects. Don't think that you'll have any time for nap either."
|"There's not nearly enough time for you to cover all the subjects, you know. And don't even think there'll be any time for naps, either."
|"Maybe I should quit school after all..."
|"Maybe I should just quit school after all..."
|"With how rich your family, it wouldn't be difficult to keep a jobless person. However, I have intention of creating someone who has no reason and contribution to the society."
|"With how rich your family is, you could probably get by just fine, even as a jobless NEET. Be that as it may, though, I see no reason for society to have to support another leech."
|"Those are some pretty nasty remarks for a self-proclaimed friend of mine to be saying.”
|"That's harsh after deciding on your own to call somebody a friend."
|"I am freely saying what I want because I am your friend. Okay, the first problem..."
|"And I’m saying them precisely because I am your friend. Alright then, first question..."
|"You're working hard~ Would you like to take a short break?"
|"Great work, everyone! Would you like to take a short break?"
|"Yes, I've been having a hard time because I learned so much."
|"Yeah, I've been working pretty hard for a while."
|"Setsuna... take that immediately and go back to the living room. At this pace, we won't be done even at dawn."
|"Setsuna... go back to the living room and take that with you, right now. At this pace, we'll be here until dawn."
|"Ahaha... he's giving you a hard time, Kazusa."
|"Ahaha... He's got you now, Kazusa."
|After putting down the plate with coffee cups and cookies on the table, Setsuna places herself next to me.
|After setting the platter with coffee cups and cookies down on the table, Setsuna shuffles into the seat on my left.
|"Setsuna, your boyfriend is a trash. He is someone who enjoys watching a woman's face in pain. A natural -- bastard."
|"Setsuna, your boyfriend is a creep—he’s just scum.<br>A genuine a-hole who takes pleasure in watching a girl suffer."
|She then searches for my hand inside the kotatsu and squeezes it tightly upon finding it.
|"Just so you know, if you think that I’ll just say ‘have it your way’ and let you do whatever you want, you're gravely mistaken. If anything, it's more likely that I’ll give you even more work out of anger."
|"I don't think he's joking there... I'm speaking from experience."
|Entwining all of her fingers with mine, she then presses her palm against mine, applying an ever so slight amount of pressure.
|"In any case, I'll be having the coffee. It'd be a shame if it got cold."
|"Sure, but... do you really need the maple syrup? These doughnuts are already filled with whipped cream..."
|And... one, two, three… After counting three seconds, she slowly releases my hand and withdraws.
|"This is how they do it in Canada."
|"Is that so..."
|"Don't believe this sugar freak so easily, Setsuna."
|When we're with Touma, we shouldn't be acting the same way we normally would if we were alone.
|At the same time, however, we also can't afford to<br>act too distant, since doing that could make Touma feel overly conscious about us.
|For the sake of Kazusa and Setsuna's friendship, we decided on this three-second rule after a discussion.
|This might be getting a bit repetitive by now…<br>but December’s arrived.
|It's been two weeks since Setsuna and I started dating.
|"Here, look at this! A one-night stay at an open-air hot spring bath with two meals included for 9500 yen! And check it out, that's the price during winter break!"
|"On Christmas...?"
|"In this day and age...?"
|"Is there something weird about that?"
|Ultimately, we ended up taking a break before we could even start studying properly.
|"Let's go see the snow!"
|match to 1010_030 / 305}}
|Saying this, Setsuna pulled out a pamphlet for an old-looking inn before us.
|"One of my mom’s cousins runs this place. That's why we can still make a quick reservation even though Christmas is so close."
|"...Isn't that actually a bad thing?"
|An apple orchard in Aomori, a hot springs inn deep within Northern Kanto mountains...
|Looks like Setsuna’s relatives have put down roots all over the country. Well, not that that’s a bad thing in any way.
|"You'd usually think about going skiing when visiting a place with a lot of snow, right? There aren't any ski slopes near Hakuga Hot Springs, though, are there?”
|"Eh? Well, I don't really know how to ski, so..."
|"If you don't know how, you could have Kitahara give you an intimate, in-depth lesson... Didn't the idea cross your mind?"
|"I think relaxing in a bath and chatting with everyone in the room would be more fun. Then afterward, we can build a snowman and have a snowball fight..."
|"Are you okay with this, Kitahara? She’s the school idol first and your girlfriend second, you know?”
|"Don't push this onto me..."
|Well, it’s true that I don’t exactly have any complaints...
|Still, had Setsuna acted like the school idol she seemed to be, there would probably never have been<br>a good opportunity for me to meet her...
|Nor would I have had the chance... to come to fall for her this much...
|"...This is painful to look at."
|"Y-You're in on this too, you know! 'Let's go on a three-person trip together,' was the plan!"
|Seems like my thoughts were written all over my face. Yeah, I can see how that would have been painful to look at...
|"That's right, Kazusa! You'll definitely come along, right? Besides, my dad won’t permit us to go if you’re not with us..."
|"...So your father thinks I'd be a suitable deterrent for you two, basically?"
|"We don't need a deterrent to begin with. We only need someone to convince him."
|"...That's bold of you, Kitahara. Wait, no... in this case you're being pretty cowardly, aren't you?"
|「ね、いいよね?<br>ここにしようよ!<br>安いよ? お得だよ?」
|"Hey, this is good, right? Let's go with this one! It's cheap! And it’s great value too!"
|"Money is the least of our worries, anyway. If we run short, we can just withdraw some more."
|"If I ask my parents, I'll get as much as I need. I’m normally pretty straight-laced, so they won’t ask what I’ll need the money for."
|"Oh, you two are such bourgeois!"
|"Our families are in shambles, though."
|"There’s no issue as long as the people concerned don’t mind it… Unlike a certain other person's messy family."
|"...What's that?"
|"Come on, you started it... Wait, don't glare at me like that, you're scaring me!"
|I'm still unsure where the fine line between seriousness and joking is on this matter.
|"Jeez... leaving all that aside, we're going to the hot springs! It's settled! We'll be leaving as soon as winter break starts!"
|"Then again, we have the remedial exams to worry about at this rate... It would be nice if those were dealt with before winter break."
|「かずさ! 絶対に頑張ろうね!」
|"Kazusa! Give it your absolute best, all right?"
|"Why am I the only one who’s expected to need to work hard? This is so ridiculous..."
|"You're the only one who hasn't worked hard until now, so don't you dare start complaining..."
|I've mentioned this numerous times already, but the finals start tomorrow...
|"I'll be back in a moment... Setsuna, keep an eye on Touma. Don't let her run away, got it?"
|"Yes, sir!"
|"...I'm being treated like some kind of a prisoner."
|"Haruki is worried about you, Kazusa. More than about anyone else. \k
|...Even more than me."
|"Even so, this treatment is just outrageous. No meals or breaks from dawn till dusk..."
|"I seem to remember there being two meals and three breaks."
|"...And he made me do five sets of practice problems. He's so persistent."
|"Well, Kazusa, you haven't even solved half of your problems. Haruki-kun has solved at least 80% himself, see?"
|"Well, there's no helping that. Just like you two said, I've been doing nothing but slacking off until now."
|"Even today, it seems like Haruki-kun's putting in all the effort, isn't it? And you're the one that's supposed to be studying."
|"Like I said, you can't compare me to a guy who has been studying something on a daily basis..."
|"He... chose Japanese history as his social studies subject. He hasn't even touched geography until now, you know."
|"Have you ever seen Haruki-kun in your elective class?"
|"Well... no..."
|"He pulled two all-nighters in a row to prepare himself to tutor you, you know? He's also been hanging up on our calls pretty early recently..."
|"While you're doing your best on your exam tomorrow, Haruki-kun will probably be paying the price for not being able to study enough<br>in the classroom next door, you know? The Japanese history exam takes place at the same time..."
|"Wipe that smug grin off your face."
|"Buuut... Kazusa, you looked like you were about to cry!"
|"Did not. I was just exasperated."
|"Really, now?"
|"In the first place, are you really that happy about your boyfriend’s needless meddling? It's not like he's doing anything for you."
|"Yup, it makes me really happy. It may not be for me, but it's for all of us."
|"Aaah, okay, I see. Isn't that nice... This really is just painful..."
|"Kazusa, aren't you happy?"
|"I'm not used to unconditional acts of kindness. Every now and then, I get skeptical about all of this."
|"What? Did I say something strange?"
|"Wasn't it you who performed such an act first, Kazusa?"
|"Haruki-kun believes that he’s so indebted to you that he’ll never be able to repay you for all his life."
|"What do you mean...?"
|"The fact that you rescued the club, the fact that you brought the three of us together, and also that you composed the third song."
|"All of that is just as much thanks to you too, Setsuna..."
|"And how you mentored him during the summer break as well... Haruki-kun thinks of you like a goddess, Kazusa."
|[F14"...So he's even told you about that."]
|"That's why... even though it might feel like he's being pushy like always, Haruki-kun's feelings are still..."
|"I don't remember ever forcing any debt on him."
|"I don't want him to think of it... as a debt."
|"I did all of that for my own sake. It'll be a problem for me if he feels indebted for it on his own and tries to repay me."
| }}
|"It was... something I wanted..."
|「~っ! わかったよ!<br>有難く受け取ればいいんだろ?<br>そんなふうに泣きそうな顔するな」
|"~! Fine! I just need to accept his gratitude, right? Don't start tearing up on me again!"
|"I hope we keep getting along, Kazusa♪!"
|"...I swear, you're such a..."
|"Sorry for taking so lon..."
|"You're late!"
|I'm not sure what exactly is going on here, but...
|The moment I came back from the bathroom, Touma looked at me as if I was the bastard who killed her parents. She then started asking me questions with a terrifying look on her face.
|...I don't think that's quite the attitude you should be taking with your tutor.
|"Sorry. I'm going to go ahead on my own. I need to stop by the convenience store over there."
|「え? おい」
|"Eh? Hey!"
|"You two can take your time if you want to catch up with me later… I’m going to be taking a while myself."
|Late at night, our exam preparations ended around<br>the time when it seemed natural to stop disturbing Setsuna's family.
|After saying goodbye to Setsuna's brother and parents, we put our shoes on and came out of the house, with Touma leaving me behind and going off on her own.
|"Ah, wait! My mom wanted you two to take home some mandarins! \k
|………あれ? かずさは?」
|...Huh? Where's Kazusa?"
|It takes me a few seconds to realize Touma's intentions.
|"Touma left first, saying that she needed to go to<br>the convenience store... I'll give these to her."
|"Oh, okay. \k
|They are divided into two equal portio..."
|Immediately as I receive the two paper bags, I pull Setsuna toward myself.
|It seems like she's realized Touma's intentions as well.
|She's really going out of her way to be considerate.
|If she's gone that far for us, it would be rude not only to Setsuna, but to Touma as well if I didn't do anything.
|Setsuna buries her face in my chest and rubs it as if to smell me, or even try to leave her scent on me.
|The gentle fragrance from her hair reaches my nose and once again brings out my carnal desires.
|My voice must have sounded desperate, as Setsuna looks up at me with mischievous eyes that suggest she’s seen right through me.
|"Mm… ♪"
|And, of course... she did that with the aim of closing her eyes soon after.
|"Mm, mm, ah... Mm..."
|Setsuna's lips move upon mine, molding themselves in all sorts of different ways as they do.
|They purse and forcefully press against my lips before spreading and enveloping them in an attempt to catch them from both sides.
|"Mm, fuah... mm, mm... ah, fu, ahh... mm... Aah!"
|Our kisses last longer and longer each time we do it.
|At this point, our three-second rule is nothing.
|As our lips part, I feel her breath brushing against my cheeks, and her beautiful face comes into view.
|At this moment, I realize...
|I realize that we’re a couple that people wouldn’t deem acceptable.
|"...Good night."
|"Yup, good night."
|Not a single word that people would use to describe me actually comes across as being a good match for Setsuna, right?
|I mean... no. It's not like I'm being pessimistic.
|Since I've come this far, I have no other choice. I'll do all I can to become a man truly worthy of Setsuna.
|Because... I’m in love with Setsuna, after all. I wouldn't trade that kiss with her for anything.
|I've gotten used to always doing my best, in any case. And I have a knack for producing results.
|...It's just that this time, it's a completely different situation than what I'm used to.
|With our foreheads still touching...
|At a distance where if either of us spoke even a little, our lips could touch again.
|We exchange words...
|And we exchange a kiss...
|"Mm, ah... Fuah..."
|"Mmm, mh... mm, fuah…!"
|Our kisses become more and more numerous as we go.
|At this point, three times is nothing.
|"Mm, mm... Ah, mm…!"
|"Hey, Mom! Mom! I just saw something amazing!"
|223|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"Oh, really? Well, why don't you go ahead and take a bath now."
|"No, this is a huge deal! You know how I can see the front door through my room windows, right? So listen, Nee-chan was...!"
|225|雪菜の母|Setsuna's Mother
|"All right, stop right there. Your father's here too."
|227|雪菜の父|Setsuna's Father
|228|コンビニ店員|Convenience Store Employee
|Five minutes later...
|I arrive at the convenience store, and find that Touma is nowhere to be found.
|Even though I ran all the way to the train station,<br>I couldn't catch up to her.
|"And just like that, the finals went by in a flash!"
|"What do you mean, 'And just like that'...?"
|"So sleepy..."
|Well, "just like that"...
|The turbulent final exam week passed by in what seemed like a flash, and today's last exam, English, ended on a high note.
|"...You must have put in a ton of effort again, Haruki. Were you aiming to top every subject with flying colors or something this time?"
|"I wouldn't do something so inefficient... My goal is to achieve the grade's average scores on every subject, you know."
|"Oh, looks like he’s already asleep. I’m amazed at how natural his sleep talking sounds."
|"I had a lot going on, alright? After all, our graduation is on the line... And I'm perfectly awake, by the way. Everything but my mind is, at least..."
|Since my subjects today were the same as hers,<br>I figured I’d be able to get some studying in for myself as well.
|...That was the plan, anyway...
|"Your mother lives in Europe, doesn’t she!? How can her daughter be this clueless when it comes to English!?"
|"I regret to inform you that my mother lives in France. It's a country where even so much as speaking English is legally prohibited."
|"Kazusa... you're going too far there."
|But thanks to lowbrow arguments like that one, I ended up wasting all of my energy.
|Even today, less than 30 minutes into the exam, I was seriously considering sneakily switching answer sheets with the person next to me.
|A remedial... no, actually, a remedial of a remedial for today's exam wouldn't surprise me.
|Even though she's amazing at any foreign phrase related to the piano... I guess she wouldn’t be able to speak anything other than German?
|"So, what’s taking Setsuna-chan and the others so long? It's almost 1 o'clock already."
|"They should be coming soon... They just went to get some application forms for student discounts."
|"If she carelessly spreads the news and blurts out, 'I'm going on a trip with someone,' I'll make sure to put some flowers on your desk, at the very least."
|Setsuna seems to be cooking up a pretty detailed plan for the winter break trip.
|Since I'll be going as well, I wonder how she plans to convince her parents, or rather her father, to give us permission to go...
|"Hey, Haruki."
|"Why... did you confess to Setsuna?"
|"Wait, Io..."
|My relationship with Setsuna has, of course, been already exposed to Takeya and Io.
|And since Setsuna doesn't seem to hide things like this, it's possible that the majority of the school might know about it as well.
|"I mean, couldn't you have waited until a little later? Like, after graduation?"
|"Setsuna's feelings were obvious, and no matter when you confessed, her answer would have been the same. So... why did you have to hurry so much?"
|"Ah, wait... Huh?"
|I assumed she would tell me something like, "You're not a good match for her", or "You’ve ruined everyone's dreams",<br>or even "So, have you done it yet?".
|...If she'd asked that last one, I might have flipped out on the spot.
|"What are you talking about, Io? If the answer would have been an ‘okay’ no matter when, why would there be any reason to wait?"
|However, I was so completely taken aback by Io's question that I couldn't even understand what exactly she meant at first.
|"Well, that's… \k
|I mean, you've only known each other for about a month. Aren't you rushing it a bit too much?"
|Sure, it can't be helped that I'm the one who’s being badmouthed in the relationship...
|That aside, though, I can tell from her tone of voice that Io's holding back from saying something, and that's what really bothers me.
|"So what? If it were me, I would have done it on the first ni... Nah, never mind that."
|Even Takeya finds it harder to support me than usual just because of who we’re going up against.
|"Was Setsuna... really okay with it being right now? Don't you think she might have wanted more time?"
|"Hey, Io..."
|However, Io definitely has the wrong impression about one thing.
|That night... we discovered one another's feelings and, well, ended up this way.
|"I understand you might be worried because she's dating someone like me. I also understand if it makes you uncomfortable, or if you think it makes no sense. But..."
|Even so, neither of us had a doubt in our mind.
|We both started this relationship while firmly believing that both the time and the partner were... perfect…
|"Haruki? Now look, he fell silent all of a sudden. This is a fine example of you being terrible at reading the mood, Io."
|Which one was it really... who wanted more time?
|"Um, in any case... it's weird for me to be the one mediating while you two are arguing, isn't it? Pull yourselves together already!"
|"Aah, there they are. Sorry to keep you waiting, guys!"
|"And... Touma."
|"...So sleepy..."
|「どしたの? みんな暗い顔して?<br>…テスト、そんなに悲惨なことになってる?」
|"What's the matter? You've all got such grim faces... Were the exams really that brutal?"
|From that moment, and for some reason, I couldn't bear to face either Setsuna or Touma.
|"Oh, I just want to cry! What am I gonna do if my recommendations are withdrawn?"
|Even as Io quickly changed the topic.
|"Ah, wanna go to karaoke to blow off some steam, then? We're finally free from the exams, after all!"
|Even as Setsuna brought up the forbidden word.
|「お、いいねそれ! 雪菜ちゃんの生ボーカルかぁ」
|"Oh, that sounds great! We'll get to hear Setsuna-chan's unedited performance!"
|Even as Takeya jumped on Setsuna's idea, completely oblivious.
|"Kitahara? Um, was it... my fault?"
|Even as Touma kept being worried about me.
|"...No. It’s nothing to do with you, Touma."
|"…! I-I see."
|It took me until a few hours later to finally snap out of that grim mood I was stuck in, dragging everyone down.
|"You know, you really need to stop jumping to conclusions."
|"About what?"
|「あいつらさ…俺の見た感じだと、<br>告ったの雪菜ちゃんの方からだぜ? ほぼ間違いなく」
|"Those two... from what I can tell, it was Setsuna-chan who confessed. I'm almost certain about it."
|"...How can you be so sure?"
|"Because, Haruki is... No, nevermind."
|"Don't make unfounded assumptions! Setsuna... had no reason to confess this early, after all."
|"How can you be so sure?"
|"Because, Setsuna, she’s... No, nevermind."
|And so...
|An hour later, Takeya witnessed Setsuna's true self.
|Furthermore, other than Setsuna and Takeya, none of the three of us even made an attempt to take a turn at singing.
== Script Chart ==

Latest revision as of 13:58, 2 February 2022



Translation Notes

Translation complete for this chapter (Review needed). Happy New Year!


Script Chart

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