From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 10:01, 2 October 2014 by NONcOMPOSmENTIS (talk | contribs) (Ahhh hahahahahaha I finally finished my extras... If you don't like how big my page is please talk to me first... Please don't just revert this... it took me a while to do all this...)
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If you need to ask why... It's because I'm bored... If I edited something and you did not like it well... the forum is tedious and writing on someone's page for an edit just seems like sooooooooo... much work... >_<

Currently Reading:

The Ranting of a Madman


Fuhahahahahaha. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Wahahahahahahaha. Bwahahahahahahaha.

Remember... If no one laughs it's just sad... Laugh... You'll feel better if you do...



  1. 1.0 1.1 Hosted at Japtem
  2. First updates at google docs
  3. Secondary hosting at Japtem