Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume3 Chapter7

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Status: Incomplete

As night fell, the Academy Square became crowded and noisy.

The air was saturated with a captivating sweet fragrance. The delicious desserts were piled up on the altar like a mountain, plus the female students from the academy were performing the spirit blade dance ritual.

"Speaking of which, where did she run off to?"

Kamito sighed as he stared at the bag of chocolates Claire had left behind. Although he and Ellis were originally trying to look for Claire together, it was almost time for a shift change. They were forced to abandon the search for Claire in order to carry out a patrol in the «Wind» region .

The Sylphid knight stared at chocolates that Kamito held with a complicated expression.


"Ellis, whats wrong?"

"N-Nothing is wrong. This whole area doesn't seem to have any problems."

Ellis pretended to cough and hastily re-directed her line of sight elsewhere.

Indeed, there wasn't much in terms of unusual activity.

There were occasionally some drunken disturbances or pickpocketing, but that could be easily handled by the local security. What Kamito and Ellis were more concerned with, were the individual civilians who were not familiar with spirits who might invoke the wrath of the spirits by accident.

While making offerings to the spirits, such incidents were not unknown.

"This.....feels like we are on a date...."

"Hmmm, what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything! Stay alert and focus on the patrol!"

The red faced Ellis angrily spoke.

Kamito apologized, "I-I'm sorry."

Hey, isn't Ellis the one not paying attention?

From earlier on, Ellis was not able to calm down, and was stealing glances at Kamito's face from the side, every now and then.

Somehow, her manner of walking seemed unsteady and uncertain.

Their shoulders coming so close together that he was not sure whether they were touching, and then her screaming 'Fuwaa', once again moving away from him - that kind of thing was repeated over and over.

Because of that, they bumped into the people that they passed by many times.

"Ellis, walking like that is dangerous."

Unable to watch any longer, Kamito grabbed Ellis' hand,

"...... W-w-what are you doing, you insolent person!"

"Absolutely not, you were shaking pretty dangerously earlier and your hand feels hot. Do you have a fever?"

"You, who do you think is responsible?"

Ellis still held Kamito's hand, while repeatably punching his shoulder.

Staring at him , she furtively whispered.

"You stole my first time, you must take responsibility!"


As everyone heard the blushing Ellis, various pedestrians turned their heads to stare at the two.

“Ellis! Don't say things that will make people misunderstand!”

“No, this is not a mistake. This is my first time holding hands with a boy.”

“! ?”

Oh, this is why. Kamito finally understood.

Thinking carefully, Ellis is still a noble princess.

Speaking of which, when they went out yesterday, Claire and everyone else all felt awkward holding hands. For ojou-samas like them, having their hand held by a boy is a pretty daring act.

“Apologies, it is my fault.”

Just as Kamito was about to release his hand,

Ellis blushed while looking away, still tightly holding his hand.“Ah, no, I don't mind, and I didn't mean to scare you.”

The soft feeling a girl's hands. With a feeling of calluses, evidence of extensive weapon practice, Ellis continued to walk slowly holding hands.

“Guy, a guy's hand.”


Hearing Kamito's reply, Ellis could not understand why she started laughing happily.

“It doesn't feel so daring or shameful, holding a guy's hand.”

“Haha, yes” Kamito answered softly, while scratching his head with his free hand.

To be honest, Kamito really didn't know what to say.

From a moment ago, Ellis' large bust rested on his arm. Although the two of them were separated by her breastplate, the fullness of her chest could be easily felt. One could not help but stare at the armor to enjoy the sight of her body. For a young boy, the effect was down right irresistible.

(With such a hard body, why why is her body so soft?)

With his heart beating hard and full of excitement, the two continued to walk down the street full of festive excitement. The entire street was illuminated by spirit ore, giving it a blinding brightness.

Ellis' eyes started to glow at a small bear inside a display window, then her breath was after stolen looking at a high class dinner gown at a different store.

Kamito brought up yesterday's maid's outfit incident to tease Ellis, which instantly turned her face red with rage.

“Hmm! Someone like me, isn't comparable with those kind of clothes anyway!”

“No such thing. Knight armor is great, but I want to see Ellis in these kind of clothes too.”

“What, what are you talking about?”

With a cute frown, Ellis suddenly became very shy. This is not the look of a Sylphid knight, but more look like an ordinary girl. Looking at her ----

Kamito suddenly have a question: “Hey, Ellis, why did you want to become a knight?”

Her reason to become a knight, was not only because she is a child of the Fargnir family.


Ellis slowly turned her face toward him.

“It is because of anune's vision right?”

“That Verslias (and last name)?”

“Hai. Onee-sama is a great knight. While she is very strict, always practice her sword art, and never stop to make herself a leader of the people.”

Suddenly, Ellis's brown eyes turned hazy.