Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume3 Chapter7

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Status: Incomplete

Chapter 7 - Valentia Holy Festival

As night fell, the Academy Square became crowded and noisy.

The air was saturated with a captivating sweet fragrance. The delicious desserts were piled up on the altar like a mountain, plus the female students from the academy were performing the spirit blade dance ritual.

"Speaking of which, where did she run off to?"

Kamito sighed as he stared at the bag of chocolates Claire had left behind. Although he and Ellis were originally trying to look for Claire together, it was almost time for a shift change. They were forced to abandon the search for Claire in order to carry out a patrol in the «Wind» region .

The Sylphid knight stared at chocolates that Kamito held with a complicated expression.


"Ellis, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing is wrong. This whole area doesn't seem to have any problems."

Ellis pretended to cough and hastily re-directed her line of sight elsewhere.

Indeed, there wasn't much in terms of unusual activity.

There were occasionally some drunken disturbances or pickpocketing, but that could be easily handled by the local security. What Kamito and Ellis were more concerned with, were the individual civilians who were not familiar with spirits who might invoke the wrath of the spirits by accident.

While making offerings to the spirits, such incidents were not unknown.

"This..... feels like we are on a date...."

"Hmmm, what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything! Stay alert and focus on the patrol!"

The red faced Ellis angrily spoke.

Kamito apologized, "I-I'm sorry."

Hey, isn't Ellis the one not paying attention?

From earlier on, Ellis was not able to calm down, and was stealing glances at Kamito's face from the side, every now and then.

Somehow, her manner of walking seemed unsteady and uncertain.

Their shoulders coming so close together that he was not sure whether they were touching, and then her screaming "Fuwaa", once again moving away from him - that kind of thing was repeated over and over.

Because of that, they bumped into the people that they passed by many times.

"Ellis, walking like that is dangerous."

Unable to bear any longer, Kamito grabbed Ellis' hand,

"......W-W-What are you doing, you insolent person!?"

"No, since a while ago, you were somewhat unsteady, and it got dangerous... Your hand is also a little hot. Would you happen to have a fever or something?"

"...~Wh-Whose fault do you think it is?!"

As Ellis' hand was joined with Kamito's, she hit his shoulder.

"I'll have you bear responsibility for taking my first time!"


At those words of Ellis, whose face was colored in bright red,—

The people, going back and forth the street, turned around with their faces lighted up.

They glared at Kamito with a scornful-like look and murmured in a soft voice together.

"Ellis, don't utter something that would invite misunderstanding!"

"I-It isn't a misunderstanding! Really, I-it's my first time joining hands with a man!"


I see—Kamito suddenly understood.

Thinking about it, Ellis was also an ojou-sama of prestigious noble background.

Now that he thought about it, Claire and the others seemed like they were hesitating about joining hands with him when they were departing yesterday. To them who were the daughters of nobles, joining hands with a boy might be an act more embarrassing than he imagined.

"...Sorry. My bad."

Just as Kamito was about to release her hand,

Ellis blushed while looking away, still tightly holding his hand. "Ah, no, I don't mind, and I didn't mean to scare you."

The soft feeling a girl's hands. With a feeling of calluses, evidence of extensive weapon practice, Ellis continued to walk slowly holding hands.

"A guy, a guy's hand."


Hearing Kamito's reply, Ellis could not understand why she started laughing happily.

"It doesn't feel so daring or shameful, holding a guy's hand."

"Haha, yes." Kamito answered softly, while scratching his head with his free hand.

To be honest, Kamito really didn't know what to say.

From a moment ago, Ellis' large bust rested on his arm. Although the two of them were separated by her breastplate, the fullness of her chest could be easily felt. One could not help but stare at the armor to enjoy the sight of her body. For a young boy, the effect was downright irresistible.

With such a hard body, why? Why is her body so soft?

With his heart beating hard and full of excitement, the two continued to walk down the street full of festive excitement. The entire street was illuminated by spirit ore, giving it a blinding brightness.

Ellis' eyes started to glow at a small bear inside a display window, then her breath was stolen away after catching sight of a high class dinner gown at a different store.

Kamito brought up yesterday's maid's outfit incident to tease Ellis, which instantly turned her face red with rage.

"Hmm! Someone like me, isn't comparable with those kind of clothes anyway!"

"No such thing. The Knight armor is great, but I want to see Ellis in these kind of clothes too."

"What, what are you talking about?"

With a cute frown, Ellis suddenly became very shy. That was not the look of a Sylphid knight, but more the look of an ordinary girl. Looking at her——

Kamito suddenly had a question: "Hey, Ellis, why did you want to become a knight?"

Her reason to become a knight, wasn't just because she was a child of the Fahrengart family.


Ellis slowly turned her face toward him.

"At first it is because I wanted to follow my Aneue's footsteps."

"That Velsaria-senpai?"

"That's right. Onee-sama is a amazing knight. She is very disciplined, always practicing her sword art, she never ceases in her quest to make herself a proper leader of the people.

As if looking at something far, far away, she raised her head to look at the evening sky.

"From when I was a child, I always tried to become a knight like Aneue. So when I joined the academy, I immediately joined the Sylphid knights."


Suddenly, Ellis's tea-colored eyes turned hazy.

"But.." she continued,

"When I joined the academy, Aneue had already changed. As if driven by something, she became obsessed with gaining power. Of course, I don't think that kind of life is wrong. Pursuing the highest form of spiritual power is not wrong. But now, she is no longer the knight I want to follow."

"Something changed her?"

Kamito begin to ask...

Ellis tightly bit her lips,

"I think, it was during the Blade Dance contest three years ago."


Kamito couldn't help but exclaim.

"What happened, I am not sure, but since then, onee-sama rapidly changed."

Kamito looked down and stared at his gloved left hand.

Hidden inside, was the mark of his spirit contract. It was the hand that defeated Versalias three years ago and made him the victor of the Spirit Dance.

It was the left hand that had cut down many hopes and dreams of others for the sake of victory.

The me of three years ago, didn't see anything.

Only, innocently fought for "her".

Slowly accumulating victories, defeating dozens of opponents. Never even remembering how each opponent looked. The ones who were defeated by Ren Ashbell, what kind of hope or dream that brought them to the Spirit Blade dance---It was never a factor to be considered.

Recalling Valesrtria Eva's icy pupils.

Am I the person who changed Ellis's most respected knight?

Ellis turned her eyes from the skies back to Kamito. Staring at him with a pair of strong spirited tea-colored eyes.

"I want to show my onee-sama my way of a knight. Although I am not mature yet, but I believe one day I will have that power. That is why I want to join in the Spirit Dance Festival."

For her belief as a knight ---

For Kamito, a glowing aura seem to roll off Ellis.

Kamito couldn't help but ask: "Ellis, you don't hate Ren Ashbell?"

If he didn't change Valereisa's opportunity three years ago...

Kamito had no right to complain if Ellis hated him.

Then, Ellis lightly shook her head.

"Oh course, I was very unhappy when onee-sama was defeated. But, looking at the spirit dance and watch Ren Ashbell's consecutive victories, I was completely entranced by her."

"I really don't understand. She is really same as other spirit contractors, only to dance for that <wish>, not someone with noble goals like Ellis.."

"WRONG---" Ellis interrupted Kamito with a strong rebuke.


"Her sword dance was greater than anyone else; if that was not the case, the elemental lords wouldn't have been satisfied. Nor allow those thousands of girls watching in that arena, until now, still wishing to be like her."


Staring down the aggressive Ellis, Kamito could only muster a sigh.

"Because her sword skill was so high class, I was attracted to her. She didn't only fight for herself-but she fought for others."

"For others."

Kamito---listening to Ellis's word, felt slightly redeemed.

For others---That was correct. Kamito went into the arena fighting for "Her".

To achieve her one dream--For this I drew my blade.

But the only result---was completely disgusting.

For that important person, only this part was correct.

The girl in front of him spoke so.

"Ellis, thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

Ellis frowned suspiciously.

"No, nothing."

Kamito laughed bitterly as he looked away from Ellis.

--At this moment, his sight landed on a particular store.

"Ellis, can you come with me so that I can buy something?"

"But, but we are patrolling right now."

"I have already decided on what I need to get. It shouldn't take more than a minute."

"I can't do anything about it. What do you need to buy?"

"Um, it will be quick."

Clare walked out of the town and into the spirit forest in tears. From a distance one could hear the noise from the plaza.It is almost nightfall, but it feel awful going back to the dorm now. She really does not want to see Fianna or Est right now. The red-hair girl used her sleeve to wipe away her tears,

"What, what knight-related work, I, I was planning to forgive him."

The evening wind continue to blow at her ponytails, Clare bit her lips tightly. Staring only at her sandals. Di Dat(sound of waterdrops. Tears slowly rolled off her eyes.

"Tomorr, Tomorrow is birthday."

As she utter these words, she was attacked on how lonely she is.

Before, during the <Valestinea festival>, parents, sisters, and commoners would always gather in the city to start a great birthday party for her. Wearing a pretty dress, eating delicious cake--and only on that day she can sleep with her elder sister from the <spirit academy>--It was the happiest day of the year.

But four years ago, Rubia Elstein betrayed the Fire Elemental Lord.

Little Clare lost everything.

(Yes, I still have my list of goals.)

Banishing her sadness, Clare raised her head.

What birthday? What Valestina festival, these are not the things to focus on right now.

(My goals are, the win the Spiritual Blade Dance and find out about the truth of four years ago. For this objective, I must become even stronger)

The two Ponytails burned like flames.

(Even if Kamito is not around, I will also---)

"Haha, you really have a lot of pressure, fire-cat girl."


Hearing the voice from behind--

Clare quickly turned around.

Standing beside a tree, is a laughing girl.

With emerald hair reaching her wrist. And pointy ears.

She saw this person before.

She was the waitress in the cafe who brought the extra-large ice-cream yesterday.

(When did she get so close to me?!)

Clare instantly became alert-to be able to sneak up to a spirit contractor like her, is definitely not someone ordinary. Her intuition screamed this is not normal.

"Who are you? I am sorry, I am not feeling very well right now."

"Ara Ara, although a pretty face, but definitely a scary kitty."

(Viviene?-Last name?) opened her hands up.

"It is so-so difficult, I want to lend you my strength."


Clare frowned.

"Yes, the thing you desired the most."

"You...could you be..."

Clare stared at the woman.


"You answered correctly! But the correct term is 'researcher', um!"

<Viviene+last name--Placeholder further going until correct name> wagged her finger, slowly walking toward her. With her red eyes glowing, tightly focused on Clare's eyes. As if staring straight into her soul. With a full of gloom,

"---hmm, hmm, little kitty, do you want that power?"

Clare couldn't move as if her feet were nailed to the ground.

(Is this! Domination magic?)

A magic that elves are highly proficient with, a type of spirit control magic.

Her words continue to repeat in her mind, slowly reaching the deepest recess of her mind.

"You, you bastard."

"All you have to do is accept my <Cursed Seal>, your little fire-kitten will become a extremely strong spirit."

Her head threaten to explode, even with her hands blocking her ears, the voice continue to invade her mind.

--Oh Oh, do you want this power?

The power to overcome everything--The power to achieve your <wish>.

(Oh, something like that, I definitely want it!)

The power I want. For the goal, powers are required.

For the wish for everything---Four years ago, this is what I wanted to happen.

Thus--risking her life--and raised her hand to receive the cursed seal--to receive the dangerous contract with a Dark Elf.


In a instant, Clare ignited her Flame Whip, and split the air between them. "What?! You broke my spell??"

"My apologies, but I really dislike forced bargains."

"It is so disappointing, I thought you would be a great fit. I guess I was wrong."

If this was the Claire from a few weeks ago, she probably wouldn't be able to beat the enticement."

To reach that power, she would accept the seal.

(But the me today is not the same.)

If you want powers--I will become your contract spirit.

(Because I made a contract with him)

"So, that kind of questionable power, I really don't want it!"

Screaming loudly, Clare released a massive fireball.

The silence of the forest was shattered by a massive explosion.

The trees were sent flying, and felt in a line. With the remaining trees a blaze, <Viviene> vanished.

"Haha, Don't be so hasty. There is someone else who want to meet you."

A voice flowed out flirtatiously from the forest.

Claire turned around--

In the deep end of the forest, a tall girl stood there.

"You are."

Yesterday, the one that provided Claire, the upperclassman who used "Adaminite Spirit".

But there was no expression on that girl's face. She slowly walked closer with a unsteady gait--as if she was some kind of ghost.

"It it the <Cursed Seal>?"

"Ah, don't be mistaken, they desired this power for themselves, but they didn't have the will power to sustain the seal."

A laughter flew from the forest.

"<???? really weird name> hahahahahahaha."

The Adaminatine Spirit contractor released a heart piercing wail.

In that instant, with a roaring wind, a huge beast appeared in the void.

There--Stood something way taller than Clare, a huge Admintine beast.

With two huge horns, and a incredibly oppressive atmosphere.

"What the? Isn't this the Admininatine spirit?"

Claire shuttered in fear.

There is no way her contract Spirit can beat a monster like that.

"No, in theory, that is her spirit, but it has been strengthen by my Seals."

<Vivine+last name> laughed.

"So, please help me with the experiment, Fire kitty ojou-sama."


The frenzied spirit released a deafening roar.