Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume3 Chapter5

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Status: Incomplete

Chapter 5

Part 1

"...chan, please wake up."

He heard somebody's voice...

"...chan, onii-chan."


Kamito rubbed his eyes as he slowly got up.

His back hurt. The muscles of his stiff joints were screaming.


Feeling the hard sensation in his palms—

Kamito finally remembered.

Last night, he was driven out of the room by Claire, so he reluctantly decided to sleep near the forest.

...Eh, onii-chan?

With his still-half-awakened consciousness, Kamito titled his head.

Naturally, Kamito, who was an orphan, didn't have things like a sister.

After blinking his eyes several times, he suddenly shifted his focus to his side—

"Have you finally woken up, onii-chan?"


A beautiful girl, fully nude save for knee-socks, was looking into Kamito's face expressionlessly.

She had a slim slender body. Morning dew wetted her milky skin and was shining.

"Wh-What's the matter?! Weren't you sleeping in Claire's room!?"

Kamito, whose face turned bright red, averted his eyes from the girl's gentle-sloping breasts in a fluster.

"In order for onii-chan to not freeze to death, I've been sleeping together with you and warming you up."

"...Th-That's a lie, right?"

"Did my thighs feel good, onii-chan?"


Kamito was greatly perplexed and groaned.

"By the way, since just now, what's with the 'onii-chan'?"

"Yes well, I tried using various way of calling to wake you up, but you did not wake up at all, so Est tried calling you onii-chan. When I did that, Kamito immediately woke up."

"Is that true...?"

"Yes, onii-chan."

"Est, spare me the 'onii-chan'."

"Yes, onii-chan."

Est nodded expressionlessly.

"...Est. By any chance, are you angry?"


Est stared at Kamito with her mysterious violet pupils.

"I am Kamito's contracted spirit, you know."


Est softly pressed her index finger onto Kamito's lips.

"Kamito, please promise me that you won't leave me behind as you please."


It seemed like she was angry about being left behind in Claire's room.

As for Kamito, he just thought that it was pitiful to make her sleep outside with him, but—

"...Ahh, I got it. Sorry."

"It's a promise, Kamito."

Kamito entwined his pinky around Est's stretched out pinky and promised.

"—Well then, I have to go to Ellis' place."

The academy also had a day off today because of «Valentia Holy Festival» but there was a meeting held.

Kamito had just decided to join the Knights, but it seemed like he had to work immediately from today.

"Let's go, Est."

"Okay, Kamito."

Est tightly grasped Kamito's hand, who had stood up.

Part 2

The Slyphid Knights' morning was early.

Even if it was the day that the academy had a holiday, there was a Knights general meeting early in the morning.

Kamito turned up at the headquarters of the Slyphid Knights in accordance with the time he heard from Ellis.

The headquarters of the Knights was staggeringly splendid building remodeled from an old cathedral. Considering that there were about twenty members, it might be a little too spacious.

Kamito took a breath, and pushed open the heavy steel door.


Kamito left the door open and solidified for a few seconds.

There were full of girls in their underwear inside the holy cathedral.

There were girls who had just begun removing their skirts and girls who had their hands at their bra hooks.


Ellis, who had pulled her stockings up to her knees, was widely opening her reddish brown eyes.

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Her adult-like black lingerie was clearly etched into his retina.

And then—


Kamito received dozens of blasts of spirit magic on his body, and was blown away up till the outside of the door.

"...I see that I had taken the Knights' harshness lightly."

Kamito, whose whole body got shredded and tattered, glared at Ellis with scornful eyes.

Incidentally, the one, who released the most powerful spirit magic, was this very Ellis.

If he wasn't wearing his highly blade-proof and impact-proof academy uniform, he certainly would have turned into pieces by the wild flying blades of wind.

Ellis awkwardly averted her eyes—

"Sorry. I should have told you this first. We always change our clothes here."

"Why don't you use the changing room?"

"That's because there was no need to. So far, we haven't had a male student."

"That's so, but..."

"Well, that's that. It suits you rather well, doesn't it, Kamito."

Ellis coughed in order to dodge the question.

Kamito attached a badge, which was engraved with the portrait of the wind Elemental Lord.

Since the Knights' armors were for female use only, it had been decided that he would attach this badge instead.

The Knights' girls were lined up horizontally in front of Kamito and Est.

There were twenty members all together. There also seemed to be several upperclassmen among them.

Before the Knights general meeting started, Ellis was going to introduction Kamito.

"He'll be attached to the Knights starting from today, he's Kazehaya Kamito from the Raven Class. As you can see, he's a male spirit contractor, but I want you to welcome him without being afraid."


The Knights girls were—

Glaring at Kamito with eyes discerning a suspicious person.

...It was understandable. Due to the incident just now, the impression Kamito made was the worst.

"Is that the rumored demon king of the night?" "I can't believe it, he made such a small girl into his lover..."

"However, isn't he a little good-looking?" "Don't be deceived, despite his appearance, he's a terrible pervert." "Even just now, he was looking at us like he ran his tongue all over our underwear."

...Those were the whispering voices of the girls that he heard.

"Hey, heart seems to be broken from the first day."

"I-It's alright. I know that you are not such a boy. If you display the part where you work as a splendid knight, things like dishonorable rumors should instantly vanish."

"...That would be great if that was the case."

Although Kamito appreciated Ellis cheering him, he let out a heavy sigh.