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“Why are you looking at me with such an expression!? I’m not scared of anything, and I don’t have that lofty emotion to work hard!”
“Why are you looking at me with such an expression!? I’m not scared of anything, and I don’t have that lofty emotion to work hard!”
“…Then, I’ll take you for your word.”
“…Then, I’ll take your word for it.”
“Gu…! The way you’re saying it really irritates me…!”
“Gu…! The way you’re saying it really irritates me…!”

Revision as of 17:40, 13 November 2012

The Final Question

Please answer the following question

Please list the sizes of the following elements in increasing relative atomic mass, and write the correct names

'Ne Ga H O Po I Na'

Himeji Mizuki's answer:

H: Hydrogen O: Oxygen Ne: Neon Na: Sodium Ga: Gallium I: Iodine Po: Polonium

Teacher's Comment:

Correct answer. Gallium and Polonium are elements that appear more rarely. Sensei was thinking whether this question is too difficult, but you never disappointed her here, Himeji-san.

Tsuchiya Kouta's answer:

H: A Na: Pre O: verted Ne: Re Ga: quest I: Please! Po: Pop! (*/▽\*) [1]

Teacher's Comment:

The order other than sodium itself is all correct, and that really vexes me here.

“Heh~ I didn’t expect it to be so interesting, and the interior decorations are really great.”

“As expected of an activity financed by the school. Let’s play again when the Bon Festival begins.”

“The teachers will be in charge of scaring this time, right? I really wonder what kind of summoned beast Takahashi-sensei will have.”

“But what’ll happen if it’s Ironman?”

“There, there shouldn’t be any problems, I guess…it’s open to the public after all, so they’ll probably show summoned beasts that people are able to stand seeing…”

“I really hope so too…”

Once the test of courage event’s over, the relief of the last day of summer remedials and the summer briefing being over rush up my mind. Also, the principal allows us to not deal with the cleaning up. As we leave the school, everyone’s showing carefree and relieved expressions, except for the 3rd years who can’t hide their troubled looks after merely losing this battle. Now, all’s left is—


“Ah, Kirishima-san. What is it?”

“…Go to the roof.”

“? The roof? The one telling me to go there is—”

“…Hurry. Mizuki is waiting for you.”

“Himeji-san is waiting for me? Got it! Thanks, Kirishima-san.”

Now, all that’s left is Himeji-san’s issues.

I follow Kirishima-san’s instructions and hurry through the corridors, taking two steps at a time as I run up the stairs. I’ve been wondering why I haven’t seen her up till now. So she ran to the roof.

“What is it, Shouko? Sounds like you and Himeji got close, actually calling her name like that.”


“What’s with this change of attitude?”

“…Because she still worked hard even when she’s scared. I like this kind of people.”


“…I really do.”

“Why are you looking at me with such an expression!? I’m not scared of anything, and I don’t have that lofty emotion to work hard!”

“…Then, I’ll take your word for it.”

“Gu…! The way you’re saying it really irritates me…!”