Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume10 The Seventh Question

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The Seventh Question

Please fill the number in the blank of the following question.

When concentrated sulfuric acid is added to ethanol and heated from (____)℃ to 170℃, ethylene will be formed. This reaction that causes water molecules to be removed is called dehydration.

Kirishima Shouko’s Answer:


Teacher’s Comment:

It’s impressive of you to study up on all the subjects, Kirishima-san.

Sakamoto Yuuji's Answer:

’16 ’

Teacher’s Comment:

There’s a missing ‘0’ at the back. You accidentally erased it when correcting the answer, right? Sometimes, you will make such careless mistakes that are quite a pity, Sakamoto-kun.

However, sensei does feel that you are really smart when I see your answers to the other questions, Sakamoto-kun.

Do continue to work hard and fulfill your abilities.