Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume6 The Fourth Question

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The Fourth Question

Yoshii Akihisa and Sakamoto Yuuji’s real horror story introduction.

“That’s how it is. I, Yoshii Akihisa, and…”

“I, Sakamoto Yuuji…”

“Will introduce to everyone ‘horror experiences’ our readers have passionately sent in.”

“Isn’t this plan too weird?”

“Even if you say so, it’s proper manners not to say it out and keep it in your heart, Yuuji.”

“You already revealed your true thoughts when you say things like that. Never mind, Akihisa. Start introducing the first mail.”

“Understood. Today’s first mail is from a person with the handle name ‘I’m the strongest A-boy in Shibuya’.”

“There’s a lot of things I want to say here. He can call himself B-boy anyway, or put the name as Akihabara.”

“Let’s see…the paragraph in the mail looks like it’s write in a Hip-Hop tune, so I think it’s better to read it in a Hip-Hop manner, I suppose?”

“Hip-Hop? I don’t understand what that means, but if you can do so, try reading it in a suitable manner.”

“Got it. Here I go— ‘Yeah, I’m the strongest A-boy in Shibuya yo! Always working hard to glory! But I don’t do for supplementary lessons!’”

“If you want to head to glory, don’t skip supplementary lessons.”

“‘Listen to my this, turn around and look!’”

“See, it’s because you skipped supplementary lessons that you mixed up ‘this’ and ‘disc’.”

“‘I don’t listen to anyone! I have countless women crying because of me!’”

“That crying woman should be your mother, right?”

“My rap is energetic and loud! All the Japs nearby are crying for their mommas!’”

“Hm…? Rap…? Ahh, I see…oi Akihisa, you don’t have to continue reading.”

“‘The scary guy is really’—eh? I don’t have to continue? The scary part hasn’t appeared yet.”

“Don’t mind about it.”


“But you can send a mail back to him that he mixed up Rap with supernatural sounds. [1]


“…Don’t make me explain it.”

“…Ah…I see…”

“…That’s how it is.”

“…I shouldn’t have opened that mail in the first place…”

“…I feel so too…for some reason, I feel like apologizing even though it’s not my fault…”

(A test of courage tournament…this is kind of bad. This kind of thing is what I’m weakest at.)

(Ane-ue, you stepped on it. You stepped on the karakasa-obake!)

(Ah sorry. I didn’t spoil, it, right?)

I see. Those two are really amazing. I can’t immediately them losing composure or panicking or even get baited by the honey trap. It’s like there are flowers saddled around them when I look at them. However, it’ll be nice if they can get along well.

“If it’s the two of them, we should be able to progress safely.”

“Yeah. The Kinoshitas probably won’t fall to any honey traps.”

Nothing actually happens on the way, and Hideyoshi’s group finally appears at where that beauty sempai is.

(Oh my? You two…I see, since you’re both girls, I can’t stop you two. Please proceed on your own.)

(That’s what she said, Hideyoshi. We’ll listen to sempai and proceed on.)

(Muu…even though we’re allowed to pass through, how should I’d explain the bitterness in my heart…)

The senior in the kimono backs aside, not intending to get in their way.

“That sempai simply opened a way for them.”

“Yeah. Either way, this lack of resistance from her is way too weird.”

My stare again returns back to the monitor. As Hideyoshi and his sister moves from the senior in kimono, the other one of the Toko-Natsu pair—the Mohawk head (Tsunemura) sempai is standing there.

“What in the world? Is this what they’re using to deal with Hideyoshi? But he doesn’t look as weird as that baldy-senpai. I don’t see anything that’s going to make anyone scream.”

Either way, I can’t see anything weird. That Mohawk-sempai is just standing there. Is he going to call out a powerful summoned beast? Like something that will cause Hideyoshi to scream once he sees something horrible…no, it doesn’t look like he’ll be calling out his summoned beast.

(You finally came, Kinoshita. I’ve been waiting for you.)

(What is it? Were thou waiting for me? What is tis you want?)

(I don’t know what’s going on, but if you have something on, just hurry up and settle it, Hideyoshi. We still have to go on.)

(You’re right. I’d don’t know what you want, but please keep it short.)

(Un, it’s fine. I won’t take too long…Kinoshita Hideyoshi, please listen.)

(What is it?)

On the screen, the Mohawk-sempai looks serious as he walks towards Hideyoshi.

Then, he says to Hideyoshi with a clear, unmistakeable tone,

(—I've always loved you.)

For the first time in my life—I heard Hideyoshi scream for real.