Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume6 The Fifth Question

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The Fifth Question

Yoshii Akihisa and Sakamoto Yuuji’s real horror story introduction.

“Alright, I’m going to read the next mail then. This is from a person with the handle name ‘A troubled little brother’.”

“Really there, let’s hope it’s a scary one…”

“’Hello to both hosts for the first time. I want to let everyone hear about the horror experience I have.’”

“Oh, that’s still a normal start. Hello there.”

“‘Actually, I have an older brother.’”

“Fm fm.”

“‘My brother is very serious, good at studies, and I feel very proud to have such a brother.’”

“Looks like that guy is a very good brother.”

“‘However, my brother suddenly changed completely once he came back from the school study camp.’”

“Changed? Is he possessed or something?”

“‘He’s always showing a happy expression, always talking excitedly and passionately about a certain male friend called the <Biggest Idiot in the School>.’”


“‘My brother was so passionate it was weird, so I worriedly snuck into his room to check…’”


“‘In the end, I found a photo of a boy who should be of the same age as my brother in his drawer’”


“‘Ever since then, I've been terrified of staring at my brother’s face directly.’”


“‘I guess my brother accidentally stepped into a horrific world during the school study camp. Both of you, please be extra careful.’”


“The letter above is submitted by a person with the handle name 'Kubo Yoshimitsu’-san—no, from ‘a troubled little brother’.”

“I’m sorry…Kubo’s little brother…”